The biggest two benefits to me are that my x10VPS is based in the USA and I'm a Brit, and also that the DNS configuration pages are so much quicker to use than my domain name provider's.
For work it's primarily that the DNS config pages are what I'm used to from personal use. Additionally...
I don't want to influence your community spirit - far from it - but please make sure you know the facts before helping, otherwise it's not helping and becomes a problem as people say "but tanwirec said it".
Opening an old thread is better than having several dozen threads on the same topic, unless there's a competition going for highest thread count. As long as the added post adds something to the thread which is kinda obvious.
Please use the x10Hosting Wiki or even the WordPress support site. If you are having genuine problems, create your own support request instead of appending to existing ones, thanks.
What happens if you click on the cog on the right of the entry that's been deleted? This account is not showing the sites that are present in your screenshot - are you posting from the correct forums account?
Virgin Media in the UK does not appear to be blocking port 2083 - accessing one of the server's through that port redirects to the SSO area. If it was wouldn't! Hope this helps.
I can't tell - you should have received an email to say that your account was going to be suspended (maybe it's gone to the spam folder of your registered address? Too late now, though!)
When I query your linked account it only shows this one - I don't think it would have allowed you to...
Did you register a new account or is this the one that is linked to the hosting account in question? There's a grace period of a couple of weeks whereby you can 'unsuspend' your account if you get caught by the inactivity rule, after which your account would have been put in the deletion queue...