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  1. MicrotechXP

    Is somthin wrong?

    When I try to go to my forums I get this erorr! Is there somthin worng with somthin?
  2. MicrotechXP

    Yahoo! 360 Invitation Request Thread!

    Welcome to the Yahoo! 360° Thread. Yahoo! 360 is a blogging system made by Yahoo!. It's similar to mywallop and Google in a way, exept It has It's own Yahoo! flavour. Right now, Invites have been send out to some people. Every person gets 100 invites to send. Right now, There are alot of...
  3. MicrotechXP


    Was that mesage that you sold x10hosting and Corry you had 10 girls and we could buy some of your staff members realy real or not? Was it just a jok for April Fools? Because if it was...... (hand in a fist and up in the air shacking!) > j/k :pinch: Was it?
  4. MicrotechXP

    Help!!!! IPB 1.3 Support

    I have tried the Ad code in the tutorials and look what it did: Forums Can anyoe tell me how to now fix that? :pinch:
  5. MicrotechXP

    Account Suspenshion

    Hello my site URL is: and my site is suspended. My username is microtec. My site was suspended and I want it unsuspended. If you can. I forgot to put the Ad's on the Forums. Sorry :blushing: :pinch:
  6. MicrotechXP


    Where can I get a Sony case like this? :blink: Sony Case I want the case because there is no fans but I don't want to buy the hardware because I already have everything. Can anyone tell me where? I tried ebay, pricewatch, frys they don't have it.
  7. MicrotechXP


    Whats up with the points by our names and the donate button? :blink:
  8. MicrotechXP


    Can we put our own ads or not? :confused:
  9. MicrotechXP

    Which Content Maneger?!

    Which content maneger is the best? I had php nuke but that was horrible now I'm going to update my site to version 2 and I want a new and better content maneger that is free and is very good! SO can anyone tell me which one is the best?
  10. MicrotechXP


    I put my ad code on and the ad dosent come up. Can someone help me? I'm having a hard time! :confused_
  11. MicrotechXP

    Content Maneger

    Hellow everyone I have a question. I want to install e107 on my hoasting account and how do we install that as our own conntent maneger? I went to the web site and I read how to install it but I couldent understand a singal thing! Can someone tell me how to install that so I can use it as my...
  12. MicrotechXP

    Questions 2

    Hey I have a cuple more questions sorry for the dubble thread. :( Ok which Content Management is the best and that you can put in IPB on it: php-nuke, or post- nuke? I have more questions after you answer this one.
  13. MicrotechXP


    Where do you put the ads? Where do we go to put in the code? :confused:
  14. MicrotechXP


    Is there a tutorial on how to use Cpanel?