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  1. J

    OpenCart extension installation not working

    Well, I didn't fix it, but I was able to workaround this by commenting out the offending code. My site and admin pages now come up successfully. I commented out the following lines (90-92 in my file) in /ocartdata/storage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Loader/FilesystemLoader.php: $checkPath =...
  2. J

    OpenCart extension installation not working

    Thanks for your continued help with this. The problem is with the OpenCart extension itself, not a plugin for OpenCart. I'm aware of the php version "set current". 8.1 is current and has been. I'm still looking for a way to fix X10 and the OpenCart extension to use the currently...
  3. J

    OpenCart extension installation not working

    Thanks for your response. OpenCart 4 requires PHP 8.0+. I tried 7.2 anyway and the extension failed with a message that said "Requires PHP 8.0+". Can you explain why X10 is using a different php than the one I configured? That doesn't make sense to me.
  4. J

    OpenCart extension installation not working

    I just installed OpenCart extension with php 8.1. The installation said it was successful. However when I go to the OpenCart admin page I get the following on the webpage: Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/) is not within the allowed path(s)...