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  1. glennemlee95

    Cannot log into WP

    Glad I was able to be of assistance. Let me know if you need any further WordPress based help.
  2. glennemlee95

    Should I change my site name?

    Aside from it being awkward to visit via mobile, I'm also noticing that you can improve your site's overall indexing performance you need to optimize your site speed a touch plus I'm noticing you have a very minute social media presence...
  3. glennemlee95

    I need your help: Site keeps redirecting to x10hosting ':(

    Glad I could be of some assistance. WordPress is kinda my thing (I contribute to it's open source project regularly ;) )
  4. glennemlee95

    Cannot log into WP

    Got to be extremely careful with WordFence. ;) But I'll help you. Login to your cPanel and go into phpMyAdmin and open your database up. In wp_users, look for your username and hit "Edit" for that table. Now open a new tab and go to and type a new...
  5. glennemlee95

    Just became a YouTube MCN, are the VPS's here good?

    My website just became a subcommunity and MCN for paranormal related YouTube channels so I'm most likely going to need a VPS after another month or two, depending on how the community and MCN grows. So I'm wondering, how does the VPS services here stack up? Are the VPS's decent? I only ask...
  6. glennemlee95

    CloudFlare "A fatal error"

    If you're using your own domain, you can bypass using the cPanel by adding the CloudFlare nameservers to your domain from directly and then point your A Records to the shared IP address for your hosting server. You can get a free domain from if needed. A records to...
  7. glennemlee95

    I need your help: Site keeps redirecting to x10hosting ':(

    Had this issue once before, double check your wp-config.php and .htaccess file to make sure your domain is properly being reflected. It's also possible that your database has incorrect information, you can edit this in the wp_options table in your database searching for "URL" OR if you're not...
  8. glennemlee95

    Error 503 Service Unavailable

    This same error will happen to me when I try to do something a little too intensive on the site. It'll be the 503 error, then Database connection error, then my site will be live after a little bit. I believe it's just your script overusing the resources allocated to it. Don't quote me on...
  9. glennemlee95

    Banned from Joomla forum

    Try this That's the best I can offer since they don't really have any actual contact information outside of their own community and forums. If absolutely needed, you could use an anonymous proxy.
  10. glennemlee95

    Banned from Joomla forum

    The server's shared IP or specifically your IP? If it's your IP specifically, someone before you most likely used that same IP number and was problematic. I've ran into an issue once before elsewhere in which my IP was blacklisted due to a malicious spider/crawler, even though I don't run any...
  11. glennemlee95

    Important Free Logos or other small design work

    If this is still available I'd like a forum sig banner I can use for my site. Paranormal community for aliens, ghosts, demonology, time travelers, dimension hoppers and psychic abilities.
  12. glennemlee95

    For you WordPress users

    I created a blog post yesterday regarding optimizing WordPress based sites that aid in reducing stress on your hosting account and speeding up your site like a speed demon. I highly recommend looking it over and trying it out. WordPress Optimization Tutorial Since X10Hosting's free service is...
  13. glennemlee95

    YouTube Video Backlinks help SEO?

    Whereas yes, YouTube links are rel=nofollow, you can do a CTA (Call to Action) in your videos directing them to the linkage in your video description and get direct traffic from interested parties.
  14. glennemlee95

    YouTube Video Backlinks help SEO?

    I like to make relevant videos to blog posts and write the blog post and link the video to the blog post and embed the video in said blog post, works really well.
  15. glennemlee95

    Cloudflare does not work - Hitting "Signup now!" button does nothing/leads to nowhere

    If you're using your own domain name, you change the nameservers on the registrar's side. With .tk you need to select that you're using your own DNS service and then enter cloudflare's NS servers.
  16. glennemlee95

    SEO and Interaction with WordPress sites

    For those of you using WordPress, you may or may not like Google+ however there are several Google+ comment systems for WordPress that work just like YouTubes, the only issue I've seen is if people are blocking social sharing buttons with stuff like AdBlock Plus which is simply resolved by...
  17. glennemlee95

    Google Is Changing The Game

    Very much so. Older sites tend to have a lot more content and pages to view, so since there's more content, there's more to index. The more legitimate, unique content your site gets, the older it gets, the more reputation it'll receive. All it takes is time and regular work on your sites...
  18. glennemlee95

    Google Is Changing The Game

    This is why you share your own content to social media while also giving others the option to do so on their own accord. Otherwise, you end up with a blackhat tactic. Hence why I cannot discourage blackhat tactics enough.
  19. glennemlee95

    Google Is Changing The Game

    Glad that wording helped you out, it's still entirely true though. It's what I've done for years for various projects and always had success. Still have success today.
  20. glennemlee95

    About Cloudflare Optimized Partnership

    I understand that x10hosting is a CloudFlare optimized partner which means that it's railgun optimized. This means that my subdomain is railgun optimized right? And if I get my own domain name on my CF account my site will no longer be railgun optimized? I ask this because now that x10 is...