Search results

  1. Corey

    Zoneedit error - can't find advanced zone editor. Site not showing!

    The advanced DNS editor should be available now.
  2. Corey

    cannot access cpanel and my site

    Try removing the protection via cPanel, then re-add it.
  3. Corey

    Automatic SQL injection prevention?

    No, we do not run post data through mysql_real_escape_string automatically.
  4. Corey

    x10's free servers

  5. Corey

    My website running Wordpress is giving me Fatal Error after server changes

    Seems like the sites posted in the thread are working. If you have an issue please create your own separate thread \ ticket.
  6. Corey

    cannot access cpanel and my site

    The SSL certificate will be fixed soon, you should be able to add an exception with your browser in the mean time. Regarding trying to access your site, it seems you password protected the root directory, this is why you are receiving a 401 error.
  7. Corey

    Fatal error post server moves

    I've restored your database, your site now loads.
  8. Corey

    [ERROR] Can not open directory for URI:

    Are you still receiving this error? If so, please link to the URL displaying it.
  9. Corey

    403 Forbidden

    If we wanted to force you to start paying we wouldn't upgrade the services, we would leave them running on a platform from the 90s like Geocities did.
  10. Corey

    Cannot complete registration

    We were undergoing some maintenance... you should be able to complete the registration now.
  11. Corey

    Cron Jobs Not Running?

    They should be running properly now.
  12. Corey

    Can not unsuspend account

    I've unsuspended it.
  13. Corey

    Can't park my domain

    I've removed the other account. It doesn't look like you own the domain ''. Is that the correct domain?
  14. Corey

    Website issues

    To the OP, I have restored your databases as they did not restore properly. Clear your temp files\cache and your site should work fine.
  15. Corey

    Still can't get my website running - VOX server

    I have updated your DNS records, it should start resolving correctly soon.
  16. Corey

    Fair Use and the Law

    Both where the business is registered and the location of the servers matter regarding laws. For example if x10 was located in a country that does not participate in DMCA but the servers were in the US we would still be obligated to follow the laws regarding DMCA requests. Same goes for if we...
  17. Corey

    Support System

    We have closed all open \ new tickets that do not have a response in the ticket system. This is due to the majority of them having been solved automatically now that the recent upgrades have been completed. The time taken to go through all the issues that have been solved already would have...
  18. Corey

    Default page appears instead of Home page

    Ah, yes... if you got the defaultwebpage, clear your browser cache. cPanel does some magic with that page that causes it to cache aggressively meaning even if the issue is fixed, your browser will be serving up the defaultpage for a while. Things will speed back up (should be faster than...
  19. Corey

    Elitist, Racist AND Dictatorial Country Restrictions

    The current allowed countries do have abuse, however in terms of good signups vs abusive signups the ratio is low. I am 100% sure of the data because it is recorded by us, we're not using a 3rd party. Every signup is logged by the system with the IP it came from. Every suspension is also...
  20. Corey

    Default page appears instead of Home page

    There are scripts running fixing permissions, keep posting issues though so we can make sure they're resolved.