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  1. P

    I had a hosted site : on your hosting services since march 2011 and I...

    I had a hosted site : on your hosting services since march 2011 and I discover today it has disappeared, thus jrecting all visitors since a while. What sould i do to avoid this ?
  2. P


    Hi Brandon, Thanks for your answer. I tried, (last part I understood was my assigned domain) with paulouscan54 username and my password, but the connection still fails. Where can I find the exact domain name, username and password to use, if those were...
  3. P


    Using Filezilla to upload my web site data to your server, but I get refused on password. I have been entering host ftp address I assumed to be :, then username : agua (which I gave to my newly created account, then the password I set to my account. Am I doind anything wrong ?