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  1. jensen


    Thanks bdistler.
  2. jensen

    special interest group - python

    To practice your skills Check out the following sites. CodeWars - throws you codes with error and you have to figure out to move forward. CheckiO - gamification of python, solving missions to progress in the game. Am so...
  3. jensen


    I like step 3. But how do we code to send SMS? Do we need to have like a SIM card or can we actually send message to phone?
  4. jensen


    Yes essellar I appologize if it seemed I was asking people to take it easy. Was just looking at how far we need to be implementing these security logins. Like the tokens and So would it be ok to suggest the minimum requirement for logins is to be built using the built-in features and hashes with...
  5. jensen

    Cant receive any emails?

    This is the official guide to setting up emails to ensure you can use them effectively.
  6. jensen

    My account got frozen

    Send an email to and explain your situation and they would sort out the problem. x10hosting might be a FREE hosting but do not under estimate their commitment protect their FREE server :)
  7. jensen

    Currently Travelling, my account has been blocked

    You sure travel around the world a lot longbich, what do you do?
  8. jensen

    Account Suspended
  9. jensen


    Let's not discourage dewymodz with all the issues of security. Maybe s/he just wants to learn the basics of creating a login form. Or maybe s/he thought this is another post-to-host and was just posting to get some response afterall that's the first post from Sept 12 and no response. :)...
  10. jensen

    hi i have installed a website but i get 404 page

    Do you mean that you get a 404 even when you login to your admin panel? What's your website?
  11. jensen

    Uploaded html file from notepad but pic won't show

    When the file is "C:\Users\Student\Desktop\index1.html" only you can see it. Once you've uploaded it to a public folder in the hosting here like "", then everyone can see it. The URL -, tells the server where...
  12. jensen

    grav - flat file cms?

    What a relief to get a tutorial site on grav.
  13. jensen

    Resources Limited within past 24 hours

    So while grav shouts out loud about how many are leaving WordPress and Joomla to get on grav (like grav is the gravy train :) In actual fact, it is resources hungry? So database has its place firmly grounded. Let's see if google compute engine will groan with grav :) When you look at...
  14. jensen


    Problem solved: Went to PHP version and changed it to 5.6 then found the "mbstring" unchecked. So I checked it and the website in great shape again. Thanks to admin for looking into the matter and for bdistler who helped out.
  15. jensen

    Resources Limited within past 24 hours

    Your site has been limited within the past 24 hours I/O usage resources were limited for your site I/O operations per second were limited for your site Received the above note in CPanel. Is this a cause for concern? Does this mean my site is using more resources than permitted?
  16. jensen


    That was most helpful. Thanks. Didn't think about writing a script just to test it out. You're good.
  17. jensen


    Was trying to run grav here at x10hosting and the message comes back 'mbstring' extension is not loaded. This is required for Grav to run correctly What should be done next? Is this something we need to load? Or some permissions that one may have wrongly set?
  18. jensen

    I'm new, first time I made a site... please help?

    not sure why one would hide the index.html as it's the first file the browsers look for? could you share why? keen to learn new stuff everyday.
  19. jensen

    grav - flat file cms?

    Where to get this grav cms - Where to read about grav - After wrestling with the Drupal 8, it is time to call it a day for me. Do I need such big powerful huge cms for simple company websites? Maybe not. So search...
  20. jensen

    How do I uninstall software?

    If you used "softaculous" to install then you can use it to uninstall. Domain just points the traffic to where your server is. So your forum is hosted at the server and godaddy which you paid for your domain, points them here (if that's in your dns). So if you are in CPanel, like essellar...