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  1. S

    Changing main domain

    Thank you. I transmit.
  2. S

    Changing main domain

    Other french users regularly ask me how to use a .fr domain name. I used to answer them to do as i did myself, change their main domain, because parking domain doesn't work with .fr. But, i've just learned that « Changing main domain names is no longer offered ». This is a big matter. There is...
  3. S

    Ah ben, c'est réglé, X10 ne permet de plus de changer le nom de domaine principal. Il faut...

    Ah ben, c'est réglé, X10 ne permet de plus de changer le nom de domaine principal. Il faut passer par un domaine garé… Ce qui ne fonctionne pas avec les noms de domaine en .fr. Merci l'AFNIC.
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    Bonjour, Le site a effectivement changé. J'ai regardé vite fait et je n'ai pas trouvé comment...

    Bonjour, Le site a effectivement changé. J'ai regardé vite fait et je n'ai pas trouvé comment modifier le nom de domaine principal. Vous avez trouvé, finalement, ou pas ?
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    Bonjour, Désolé pour la réponse tardive. La modification à faire en premier, c'est ni chez OVH...

    Bonjour, Désolé pour la réponse tardive. La modification à faire en premier, c'est ni chez OVH, ni dans le Cpanel, mais dans le panneau de contrôle, à cette adresse : Une fois connecté, il faut cliquer "Free Hosting... » View Details", puis "Click here...
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    page temporarily unavailable

    Can we know what is the matter and when do you expect to solve it ? Thank you.
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    Dafault web page ???

    There\'s nothing changed on my website these days. Why do i have a default web page instead of my index page ? And how can i solve the problem (except by clearing cache, wich doesn\'t work) ? Thank you.
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    Can't answer to threads, why ?

    All is in the title. I would like to help people who have the same problem as me, now that i know how to resolve it. I've find one.
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    DNS Error

    Problem solved. The solution is here Thank you
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    DNS error with ns1 and

    Thank you for your answer, even if i've found it by myself. I did this and added my domain as parked domain. And it works ! :-D Thank you again Explanations in french : Si vous utilisez un nom de domaine externe, il vous faut d'abord modifier les serveurs de nom chez votre...
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    DNS Error

    I understand, but it's the only way i've found to have a begining of answer. And my problem is still unsolved. Any idea ? Thank you.
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    DNS error with ns1 and

    Hello again, I'm sorry, but it still does not work. There is an organization, the AFNIC (French Association for Internet naming and Cooperation), which blocks the pointing of the domain name to name servers if the domain ".fr" does not appear on the server. So I can not change the server names...
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    DNS Error

    Hello, Puting and at my registrar causes a dns error. And domain parking doesn't work. How can i use my domain name "" for "" according to this conditions : Thank you...
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    DNS error with ns1 and

    Thank you for your answer. So, what is the problem ? Do i have to park domain first ? When i do, Cpanel says it does not find the domain's IP.
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    DNS error with ns1 and

    Hello, When I fill out the name servers and at my registrar, I have a DNS error. My registrar, joined by phone, says name servers are wrong. Help me please. (This is my 4th message) Thank you. EDIT : I've called my registrar again. I have first to park my...
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    Can't "park" domain

    Hello, I'm trying to add my domain name ( in parked domains, but it seems you have a matter with names in ".fr". Everytime I try, I have this answer : «*Error from hooks wrapper: Domain action was not successfully completed [1]. Error: Error from park wrapper: Sorry...
  17. S

    Parked domain name

    Hello, I'm trying to add my domain name ( in parked domains, but it seems you have a matter with names in ".fr". Everytime I try, I have this answer : «*Error from hooks wrapper: Domain action was not successfully completed [1]. Error: Error from park wrapper: Sorry, cannot...
  18. S

    Parked domain name

    Hello, I'm trying to add my domain name ( in parked domains, but it seems you have a matter with names in ".fr". Everytime I try, I have this answer : «*Error from hooks wrapper: Domain action was not successfully completed [1]. Error: Error from park wrapper: Sorry...
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    Hello, Can you please delete my accounts ? I don't find how to do it myself. Thank You.