Search results

  1. tttony

    Hey John, right now I'm not good in healthy, cholesterol problems, stress, I need vacations I'm...

    Hey John, right now I'm not good in healthy, cholesterol problems, stress, I need vacations I'm waiting for vacations in my job, what about you?? what happended with that site???
  2. tttony

    Post your specs

    hahahaha in 2009 I bought: Phenom II 940 FOXCONN A7GMS 2x2GB DDR2 RAM AOC 17' ATI 4870 1GB I'm waiting for the 2nd generaton of the Core i5 or AMD Bulldozer
  3. tttony

    problema mysql -> php solo lee el primer registro

    la otra cuestion que debes cuidar es la seguridad
  4. tttony

    Looking to swap links with a forum site

    hey Jeremysacks clean that site man!!!
  5. tttony

    Review Chess Improvement blog

    Good blog man!! I play chess sometimes in
  6. tttony

    Help with this design

    Thanks!! Well, I'm doing something very simple that I can configure easily so by now I'm not thinking about CMS's Thanks!! EDIT: what do you think about yui library??
  7. tttony

    Help with this design

    Hi all, long time without posting here :biggrin: Well, I have some time and I've decided to make a page dedicated to hardware PC, basically is a ranking site, I just know about php programming but I'm very bad in web design, so I decide to post here looking for some help, the link is...
  8. tttony

    Sistema de afiliados

    Hola, tiempo sin escribir por aqui, en la pagina principal no es posible entrar al sistema de afiliados de x10 me da un error: Esta en remodelacion?? Saludos
  9. tttony

    ¿Cuál es el precio de los combustibles en tu país?

    Yo no tengo carro pero aqui en Venezuela lamentablemente no pasa de $1 dolar el litro y digo "lamentablemente" porque igualmente estamos jodidos con tanto petroleo que regala el hijo de p*t* de chavez y estmos peor que antes...
  10. tttony

    How to: Member Login System with PHP

    thank you man, we are here for help
  11. tttony

    Me han desaparecido los posts desde el día 22 a hoy

    cierto echale un ojo al log a ver que encuentras
  12. tttony

    How to: Contact form with PHP

    Hi all, I have found a site very useful External link: [How to: Contact Form with PHP]
  13. tttony

    How to: Member Login System with PHP

    Hi all, I have found a site very useful. External link: [How to: Member Login System with PHP]
  14. tttony

    How To Get Your Site To Member's Likings!

    I will test it...
  15. tttony

    [35 credits + 5 per post] Register on forum and post

    I registered as tttony...
  16. tttony

    2000 credits 4 php help

    PM ready
  17. tttony

    [php] Help with a parsing program

    well you need regular expressions, you can lran more about this here: I learnt so much with these tutorials
  18. tttony

    x10Hosting WhatPulse Team

    I will try but not now... I have wireless connection and suckssss1!1
  19. tttony

    HTML or PHP

    you need php and html, php save the data, html show the form and data, here there is a example of contact form with php:
  20. tttony

    htaccess, mod_rewrite, 404?

    Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / ## some other www and /index.php to / redirection ## Page name redirect RewriteRule ^page/?([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/?$ index.php?page=$1 try with this code, also try without RewriteBase and tell me...