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  1. T

    Installing SSL Certificates

    I bought an SSL Certificate on godaddy and I need to install it on the web server. One problem, cPanel is showing the SSL thing under security, Any help?
  2. T

    My website and control panel isn't working.

    When I try to go onto my control panel it gets stuck on "Stand by..." and when I try to load my site it times out.
  3. T

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed when creating a new php file

    Could it be that i'm trying to connect to a remote db?
  4. T

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed when creating a new php file
  5. T

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed when creating a new php file

    The title says it all.
  6. T

    503 backend fetch failed

    Thank you it looks like its working again!
  7. T

    503 backend fetch failed

    This keeps happening after I don't visit the website for a while. This doesn't happen with any other websites. Sites URL:
  8. T

    Mysql is down

    My mysql service has been down for a couple days now... Nothing has changed with the status.