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  1. V

    Hosting Account Space Upgrade

    Oh well that is fine :) As long as I can add more maps and they can still download there's no problem. :)
  2. V

    Hosting Account Space Upgrade

    Will they still be able to download the files even if I go over the limit? THey have been so far? So can't I just keep doing it? And adding more?
  3. V

    Hosting Account Space Upgrade

    So how am I supposed to get all my maps and stuff to the players? I cant create multiple webistes. I can only have one. Ill just keep uploading files and if it doesnt work ill just switch to a new website even though this is like the only good one but its whatever. :(
  4. V

    Hosting Account Space Upgrade

    I am running a Call of Duty 4 Deathrun server and there are tons of maps that I can add but I only have 15 maps right now because I don't have enough room on here. %100 percent of the files would be used because my server is up all day and people come in all the time and download the maps and...
  5. V

    When I login The cPanel Is a Blank Screen?

    When I login on the website it works perfectly fine but then it goes to the control panel where you can see all your websites and stuff but instead of showing all that the screen is literally Blank (white) with nothing on it. Help? :/