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  1. insaynewrapper

    Purchasing Premium Account problems

    I'd really appreciate any information on this.
  2. insaynewrapper

    Purchasing Premium Account problems

    Hi, I thought I'd just signed up for an account with you guys, I'd entered in all my billing information, I got a call from you and put in the pin number, but then after that nothing happened, the billing form reset itself or something My email is, phone number ended in...
  3. insaynewrapper

    $_SESSION data not storing

    I'm having problems with $_SESSION data not storing Case in point: - this page writes to session - this page reads the session You can verify the source with these pages...
  4. insaynewrapper

    account termination?

    Hello, I woke up today with an email telling me my account had been terminated. All my work and my account had been deleted. Is there any particular reason why this happened? Edit: Oh sorry, I see now my account had been inactive. I never seem to have gotten the inactivity email. Updated email...
  5. insaynewrapper

    Unsuspension Error

    I'm not the most responsible at logging into the forum all the time, so my account often gets suspended. Lately it will not unsuspend itself. Every time I try, it errors. I've tried resubmitting, clearing and submitting, doesn't work. I keep getting A system error occurred while processing this...