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  1. B


    i never used an ftp client.... well im going to try if that dosent work ill have to go to my cousins house and upload it Edit: Hi i uploaded and extracted the file using ftp. Bad news i must have downloaded the entire thing late because it didnt have the smf files...I have one last request can...
  2. B


    How do i e-mail a 101 mb file to you... i cant use cpanel cause its not working (im going to try uploading it again anyway) and I cant use hotmail cuz the attachment size limit is 10 mbs
  3. B


    yes isnt that what i should have done :( ? Edit: I think the main problem is that it wont upload all the way.... while its uploading it just stops and wont pickup again. And then IE give the page that it usually does when it doesnt find the page u searched for or something. Edit: umm wtf were...
  4. B


    I have all the backups on my computer not online
  5. B


    Some one help please my site is i was deleting wordpress because i now use SMF and i moved worpdress to a diff directory it was junk so i was deleting it and then i rembered i can do it from fantastico so i went there but it also removed half my SMF files! I made a backup...