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  1. F

    iWeb '08 4000 pixel width limit fix?

    Creating a page in iWeb '08 (see and trying to get around the page width limit (4000 pixels) that apparently exists in iWeb '08. Essentially trying to do something similar to this site: Is there a known...
  2. F

    Creating fields in iWeb '08

    Having some trouble with the above code when inserted into a HTML snippet in iWeb. It just appears as a clear box with the CONTENT GOES HERE text. Don't see a scroll bar. Thoughts?
  3. F

    Creating fields in iWeb '08

    I would like to create a left right scroll box for my pictures so that the user can scroll through my images (as they currently can) but keep the navigation portion of the site at the left in view while they scroll over. My site: Example (site) of...
  4. F

    Fonts and Images not working

    I don't understand what I need to do or where I should be checking for case sensitivity. Could you please be more specific? Again, probably safe to assume I don't know anything. If you'd prefer, I can call you at your convenience.
  5. F

    Fonts and Images not working

    Adam, I didn't have a SCRIPTS folder in my public folder so I created one and put the .js files that you indicated into it. It does not look like it changed the font issue. What am I missing? Thanks.
  6. F

    Fonts and Images not working

    I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean. Still very new to website creation and don't know what javascripts are. Could you be more specific/ speak in simple terms? Apologize for my ignorance.
  7. F

    Fonts and Images not working

    Wow, thanks everyone for your speedy replies. Images are now working! As to the font problem... text/fonts are being viewed on the same macbook pro that created the website in iWeb so wouldn't that mean that I have the fonts installed on my computer? That said, seeing as though I'm not sure...
  8. F

    Fonts and Images not working

    See for actual site. Created a site locally on hard drive using iWeb '08 in Snow Leopard OS. Exported to a folder using iWeb. Used Cyberduck to upload files to x10 server. Started by only uploading Intro and Safari sections (other links will...