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  1. E

    Cron Jobs

    Hi, I have some scripts that I need to run each day. And it is pretty long running them so I looked for an automatic way to run thsoes scripts and I landed on Cron Jobs. My knowlege for the cron jobs are basically null... I was wondering first of all if its possible to them with...
  2. E

    Site Mysql seems to be down

    Hi, I am on Straka server and it seems that the MYSQL is down. I have a code that I used for a while now, and it used to work well. It updates 3500 datas. But for some reason, yesterday and today it seems to be bugged at not even halh way. I just want to know if it coulbe be because of the...
  3. E

    Databases problem

    Is it the month of Febuary or January? Its cuz, I really need to use my Databases... and my code stops working in the middle or just doesnt work at all....
  4. E

    Databases problem

    Thanks alot, I was gussing that it was something like that Edit: ANy ideas when it will be back to normal?
  5. E

    Databases problem

    Hi guys, I have problem with my sites, it seems that my Databases are somewhat slow and my SQL seems to not work sometimes. FOr exemple, I have this code that inserts around 3500 datas in a table using a text file. And it gets updated every day. It worked fine thursday, but yesterday and...
  6. E

    Mysql and PHP help

    Hi guys, I have a problem with the current page: <div id="content"> <div class="post"> <h1 class="title">Statistiques</h1> <div class="entry"> <br/><br/><center><a href="complete_stats.php?pos=player&order=points">Statistiques des joueurs</a> | <a...
  7. E

    Uploading multiple files

    [SOLVED]Uploading multiple files Hi guys, I have a problem. I am trying to upload 8 files at the same time. So I have this as my form: <form action="upload.php" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method="post"> players.ehm: <input id="file1" type="file" name="file1"><br/> teams.ehm: <input...
  8. E

    Domain change?

    Hi i have the same problem, I tried changing it and it says that my DOmain to the new one. But when i try to go to my cpanel to upload files, the domain stays the old one.... Also when i try to access the domain: It says that it's avalaible isntead of showing a default index...
  9. E

    Cpanel and FTP down in Straka?

    Hi, Like you said, my website is working fine... thats pretty weird.... I tried opening the page with Mozilla, but it doenst work neither... I will wait it out till you guys fix up the server. thanks for your help,
  10. E

    Cpanel and FTP down in Straka?

    Thanks for the link, but like you say it should be up... here is the link to my Cpanel: It doesnt seem to work...
  11. E

    Cpanel and FTP down in Straka?

    Hi, I am new a member and so far I love the service. But I have a problem, suddenly today, my cpanel and FTP stopped working. Cpanel is not loading and it keeps saying IE cannot display the website. And the FTP cant connect to host... Thanks for your help, Ara