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  1. K

    Account Terminated?!

    Sorry, I've reopened the thread to ask if there have been any developments? According to descalzo in this thread, it may be because my account was suspended during the server migration, but when it was functionally unsuspended, it was still suspended 'on the books'. I don't mind that all...
  2. K

    Account Terminated?!

    I don't remember exactly when, but I checked it sometime last week and it was fine.
  3. K

    Account Terminated?!

    cPanel username: a1615110 Thanks.
  4. K

    Account Terminated?!

    I am SURE I have logged in to the forums at least every 2 weeks, so I see no reason for my account to be suspended or terminated? Could you please restore my domain name I can't use a different domain because this website has been printed on all our publicity material.
  5. K

    Account Reactivation

    Hi, could I get my website at reactivated? Thank you!