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  1. oktnxbai

    Starka Database Problem

    My site is having an error connecting to my database. Haven't really change any settings since yesterday.. It says incorrect information in file. MySQL said: #1033 - Incorrect information in file: './*mydb*/*mytable*.frm'
  2. oktnxbai

    Starka - MySQL Database.. GONE!

    Ok! Thank you for confirming! :)
  3. oktnxbai

    Starka - MySQL Database.. GONE!

    Hi all. Since the Starka migration started, I found out that my MySQL database is gone! But my email accounts, configs, etc in cPanel are still there! :frown: I'm panicking for two days now because my site's backup was over a month ago... I just want to know if this is normal or what...
  4. oktnxbai

    Swap Forum Account to Old One But Retain Current eMail

    Is it possible to swap my old forum account (I was able to dig it) but still retain the current email I am using? I tried swapping then changing the email but the system does not allow me because it will say that the email I want is in use.