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  1. L

    Account error

    Dang, I guess people stopped using the forum over the past few months or something. Is there any way to get a backup, or was everything toasted when it got terminated? And what exactly is the rule for inactivity? Is there a specific number of visits/visitors or something?
  2. L

    Account error

    How can that be? As far as I knew it was linked and it was an active site.
  3. L

    Account error

    My account is for I'm having problems logging in. While I can login, when I try to go to the 'account panel' it gives me an error saying: "In order to use the Ad-Enhanced hosting account management panel, you must have your forum account linked to your hosting account."...
  4. L

    SQL issues

    Yeah, I've got it listed as: "$INFO['home_url'] = 'http://localhost';" in the conf_global.php file. Is there somewhere else I should be looking for an ip instead of localhost? EDIT: Nevermind, the host was instead of localhost. I changed that and it works great...
  5. L

    SQL issues

    When I try to go to a page that requires SQL ( it says: IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 (Line: 131 of /ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php)...