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  1. S

    mysql tables problem

    Hi there, I've been suspended for 3 days now without any reply to my support request. It would be quite allright I guess I can wait for a few days, but I cant even access my files and mysql database of mine. It would be important because the performance problem is within the cronjobs I've set...
  2. S

    unsuspension problem

    Hey Derek, its been 3 days since I've been suspended. Pls unsuspend me as soon as possible. The website I am building would be a place where users would come to check the price of electric gadgets. Before the actual site opens up on, I have to gather some data to provide...
  3. S

    unsuspension problem

    Thanks Derek. I lowered my system resource usage immediately, but got suspended again... I was asked for a site explanation, which I wrote in an other support req. Pls unsuspend my account! Decided to move my site elsewhere though, but for migration I'd need to access my files. Thanks Suska A.
  4. S


    Pls. unsuspend my account, I gave a site explanation in the previous support request. I didn't get an answer though for some questions I raised in it. The high resource usage is due to the cronjobs I've set up, so to avoid unsuspension and then instant suspension again, pls delete all my...
  5. S

    suspension problem

    Hello there, after I lowered my site's system usage, I got suspended again. The website I am building would be a place where users would come to check the price of electric gadgets. Before the actual site opens up on, I have to gather some data to provide real-time...
  6. S

    unsuspension problem

    Hello there, my account has been suspended due to high memory/cpu usage. how could I lower my site's system resource usage without accessing to my files through cpanel. I'm sure that the problem is in the cronjobs I've set up, So if you could just delete my cronjob table, and unsuspend my...