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  1. D

    Domain Name

    The domain name is This is what I get when I try to park the domain Error from hooks wrapper: Domain action was not successfully completed [1]. Error: Error from park wrapper: is already configured. This is what I get when I try...
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    This is what I get when I try to change my accounts primary domain Hosting Domain Modification submitted April 29 at 11:36 amPJzIQ7ZvgLaSaction statusError informationA change to your hosting account's primary domain. resultA system error occurred while processing this action...
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    Domain Name

    I have recently opened a hosting account with yourselves. I have changed my nameservers on my domain to point to yours, but do not know what to do next. I have tried changing my 'Main Domain' but I keep getting an error. Please could you give me any help or documentation on this matter, or I may...