Search results

  1. descalzo

    Domain change

    1. Put back on as a parked domain and then go to the admin sign in using that domain. Use the admin feature to change the site URL OR cPanel --> PHPMyAdmin , go to your WordPress database Table you want is wp_options You want the row that has the Field 'option_name' set to...
  2. descalzo

    Help me please!!!

    The URL without index.php works perfectly fine for me now. Please clear your browser cache and history before checking your site again.
  3. descalzo

    terminate account You will be signing up under the new restrictions, which will be lifted after 7 days if you have a running website. Do you still want to terminate the account?
  4. descalzo

    ERROR with MySQL on server Stoli

    1. Try deleting the user. Recreate with same password add to DB with ALL_PRIVILEGES. Sometimes the permission tables get corrupeted. (making sure that your script has the correct username and pw in it.) 2. While not recommended, you can use your cPanel username and password as DB user/pw...
  5. descalzo

    Main Domain Change Concern But it might be the case that your branch of the Net has the old DNS information and it just takes time for the old info to be replaced.
  6. descalzo

    Main Domain Change Concern

    I see what I assume is your site. Try flushing your DNS and clearing browser cache/history.
  7. descalzo

    Main Domain Change Concern shows as your main domain and it loads for me.
  8. descalzo

    unzip not working properly

    With regards to the WordPress updater/installer, there can be two issues. Since most plugins come zipped, if the unzip is not working, WP will fail. Secondly, one of the methods scripts use to grab the updates via the web has been blocked by the last upgrade to PHP. I have no idea which is the...
  9. descalzo

    Clolud Flare Error

    Suggestion: Add an x10 subdomain (, , etc) as a parked domain. Do not put it on Cloud Flare. That way, you can visit your site without going through Cloud Flare and see if the problem is with x10hosting or with Cloud Flare.
  10. descalzo

    php Mail() not returning true

    <?php $headers = "From:\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME_Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $subject = "UCD Chess Club Registration"; $to = "mygmailaccount@gmail"; if(@mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){ echo...
  11. descalzo

    SSI on stoli

    They moved the servers from Apache to Litespeed. Litespeed does not support SSI. You will have to rework the page to use PHP, the only scripting language supported.
  12. descalzo

    maxium sql database

    Most scripts (WordPress, Drupal, etc) have the option to use "table prefixes", ie they add something like wp_ in front of their 'username' table to make it 'wp_username' so that it won't clash with table names from other scripts. The 'max size' is dependent on the MySQL server, which should...
  13. descalzo

    maxium sql database

    You only get 2 MySQL databases. There is no ETA on PostGres.
  14. descalzo

    Remote include of PHP files

    The feature is disabled on a per server basis and will not be changed. Including files from remote sources is a security issue.
  15. descalzo

    Website Address is "hosted" in the UK. It sends out a redirect to your domain, so, the name will always be in the address bar.
  16. descalzo

    site unavailable

    Use cPanel or FTP to remove index.html from public_html
  17. descalzo

    Query to external URL from PHP not working

    Well, upon further investigation, the function does work (at least on Chopin) and will retrieve . So, unless you post the full and complete code you use (including the URL you use), I cannot help further.
  18. descalzo

    website doesnt exist error

    Clear your browser cache and history. Your site now loads the default index.html that comes with the account.
  19. descalzo

    Exceeded SQL Database limit Prime Membership gives you double the current limits, so you would have 4 total DBs.
  20. descalzo

    Exceeded SQL Database limit

    cPanel seems to have a bug in that it shows twice the number of allowed databases. Free hosting accounts are allowed just 2 databases. Utilizing "table prefixes", each database can be used by several different scripts. ie, wp_ as a prefix for the tables for your WordPress blog installation...