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  1. Smith6612


    Welcome to x10 phmcult!
  2. Smith6612


    Welcome to x10 AYBGerrardo! You server, Lotus is currently having an issue with Apache that the staff are looking into.
  3. Smith6612

    hii guys

    Welcome to x10 rockingroxx!
  4. Smith6612

    Hiya, i'm Metamorphoze

    Welcome to x10 MetaViet! Yes, that middle smiley is a double whammy middle finger happy face :D AS for the bots and hacks, I'd want to check with the staff on that matter before uploading it.
  5. Smith6612


    Welcome to x10 doodledesigns!
  6. Smith6612

    What would you improve?

    I second this post. I'm not a complainer of my site going down, but after all, it's not a real-time must have up site. It's just a personal site with a personal forum. If I had a site that needed pure uptime, I would've gotten a dedicated server or some shared paid posting/VPS.
  7. Smith6612

    Wooo HOOO

    Welcome to x10 hemlokk!
  8. Smith6612

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    LOL you want to know something stupid that happened today at school? Well of course I was on the internet when Internet Explorer decided to lock up nice and tight. Well, since it wouldn't close after 5 minutes, nor could I get it out of the way or out of the "In front of other windows" view...
  9. Smith6612

    Hello All! Also, a Question....

    Welcome to x10 MrsNyxx! Are you talking about your domain name that you've bought or the one that x10 provided you with? For one you bought, you'd need to check with your registar. For x10's provided domain, you can change it in the Account Panel.
  10. Smith6612

    Hello! Lets hope...

    Welcome to x10 aioshared!
  11. Smith6612


    I probably could given the circumstances. Who here wants to have a cookie?
  12. Smith6612

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Wish granted, as it's a photoshop job. I wish that school would go by quick this week.
  13. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban alexandgruntz because his eMachines died.
  14. Smith6612

    The Ctrl+V game

    You need a new motherboard for sure if I'm getting the situation correct. The PSU is fine if the computer is beeping and not giving any power "error" lights. Also about your laptop running warm, I'd check the fan on it to make sure it is running. All the laptops I've used unless you're loading...
  15. Smith6612

    Forum Game: Questions -V. V. addictive

    Why does everyone want to share the snacks when everyone can buy their own?
  16. Smith6612

    vista vs fedora

    You can always turn Aero off you know :). Just go into the Computer Properties, select Advanced System Settings, go through UAC (which should be on, if it's not on, turn it on now), click on the Advanced tab, choose "Settings" under Performance category, and set Vista to adjust the themes for...
  17. Smith6612

    How old are x10Hosting members?

    Facebook is the same as don't forget, many people abandoned or just moved to Facebook and made a duplicate of their profile from MySpace.
  18. Smith6612

    Yahoo has started 1GB

    I have Yahoo! Mail and in all honesty I have no space usage limit on my mail. I used to have a 2GB limit when I first got Yahoo, but now it's unlimited. My mail is bundled with my ISP so I'm getting some premium Yahoo services.
  19. Smith6612

    How long did it take?

    I'm still learning PHP, so I guess I'll tell how long it took for me to perfect HTML. It took me roughly a month to perfect HTML given my time frame. I would've perfected it within 2 or less weeks, but you know how "busy" people's lives are, right? ;)
  20. Smith6612


    I like to read from time to time, but it's only the Harry Potter books. Anything else will be tech related which I only really do online in the first place, so I do, but yet again I'm just too lazy.