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  1. descalzo

    Can someone tell me if the databases on stoli are screwed up

    Stoli seems to have scattered problems. If you would post your exact problems here: it will help the Admins track down the causes of the problems.
  2. descalzo

    Problem with my hosting

    I can see your site. Or are you saying you cannot log onto cPanel?
  3. descalzo

    Osama Bin Laden is dead!

    The updates were for the additional rewards. The embassy bombings were part of the original wanted poster. What was on the poster prior to 9/11 was enough to get him the death penalty. Do you believe that if they issue a wanted poster but do not include crime X, they cannot charge that person...
  4. descalzo

    Login Problem

    Are you going through the link he gave above or are you trying to go through the Account Panel?
  5. descalzo

    Trying to activate new account, "The control panel is temporarily offline"

    The system is undergoing emergency maintenance. Everybody is affected, not just you. I understand your frustration, but at the moment there is nothing to do but wait and try logging in periodically.
  6. descalzo


    Your domain name is , they are not giving out subdomains any more.
  7. descalzo


    You can try using the cURL functions as an alternative.
  8. descalzo

    Long suspension and Database deleted

    Please post a detailed report of your problem in: Stoli MySQL Issue
  9. descalzo

    suspended account

    Well, goodbye. Maybe go back to all those services that allowed you do what you want. Or have they kicked you out too? Look at most free service providers. They don't allow stolen goods either. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  10. descalzo

    curl_setopt() problem in 3rd party library

    That's why I told him to comment out the line. That option is just telling cURL to follow redirects. If the service doesn't use redirects, removing the option should not break the script. If it does use redirects, one would have to add code to detect and follow any redirects
  11. descalzo

    Osama Bin Laden is dead!

    Got a citation on that? If you are referring to the FBI 10 most wanted poster, he was added to the list June of 1999 and they usually do not add charges.
  12. descalzo

    Using main domain

    I see your page Try adding a ?foo to the end of the URL (to trick ISP caching routines)
  13. descalzo

    curl_setopt() problem in 3rd party library

    Try: cPanel -> File Manager to public_html/twitter-async Select the file EpiOAuth.php Open in Code Editor or regular editor Find line 148 (Code Editor has numbered lines, in the regular editor, search for 'CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION' Comment the line out (put // in front of it) See if the script...
  14. descalzo

    CSS template using intense images

    You should try to preload the rollover images for the buttons. Clear your cache and then reload the page and rollover a button to see what I mean.
  15. descalzo

    Database Error! re: Wordpress site

    A suggestion: add an index page to your public_html directory. Going to your URL I can see a couple of .zip files that you might not want people downloading. Or, add Options -Indexes to the .htaccess file. Or use the .htaccess file to redirect any requests for / to you wordpress blog.
  16. descalzo

    Please Reactive my Hosting Account

    There is not Free Hosting Account attached to this Forum Account. If you had one, and it was suspended (for whatever reason) and then deleted, you can sign up for a new Free Hosting Account. There are no backups of deleted accounts.
  17. descalzo

    Host a pdf

    Do you have the right to distribute it? Does the contents violate the TOS (tutorial about hacking, adult material, etc)? Is it a part of the website? (ie, has something to do with the website, not just a download spot).
  18. descalzo

    Thinking I'm a proxy

    Apparently the system considered the password failures as "attempts to register" . Please wait until at least 24 hours have passed (maybe clear your browsing history/cache/cookies) and then try again. If you still get the message post back here.
  19. descalzo

    Vbulletin copy

  20. descalzo

    Accont suspend

    The system does not show a Free Hosting Account linked to this Forum username. 1. cPanel username? 2. Domain name? 3. When was the last time you saw your site working?