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  1. Livewire

    Account Suspended.

    Paid and the VPS both have the same TOS when it comes to warez/nulled scripts, with one exception - because the violation would be caused by you, you wouldn't be entitled to a pro-rated refund for the amount currently paid (that's mentioned in the TOS's for them as well). As for the FTP; this...
  2. Livewire


    Yours has no suspension reason for some strange reason; I'm gunna bump this up to support staff to take a closer look, as normally we can see why it was suspended, but on yours it just says ".." like it didn't save the reason properly. You should get a notice near the top of the page that you...
  3. Livewire


    Loads slowly but works here; depending on the DNS servers your using (or in many cases the one your ISP is using) it says to allow 24-72 hours. I'm using OpenDNS which seems to have gotten the updated IP for the website pretty much instantly. EDIT: Minor clarification, by DNS server I don't...
  4. Livewire

    File limit for paid hosting plans?

    Quick note, after 75,000 x10's 6 hour backups will stop backing your site up. You can still do your own obviously, but the automatic x10-controlled ones stop. That's in the TOS too.
  5. Livewire


    Proxies, like warez, porn, and using your account purely for script hosting, is covered under x10hosting's Zero Tolerance policy. Your account is suspended and will not be unsuspended.
  6. Livewire


    I'm agreeing; the VPS itself would do the job quite well, but I've never seen x10 do sponsorships for paid hosting or paid VPS before, so I kinda doubt they'll start now.
  7. Livewire

    Windows Office 2010 Beta Free!

    See you in 2015 ;) In all seriousness, I agree; I like to know the apps I'm using aren't "beta" and prone to data-loss and complete epic fail of execution.
  8. Livewire

    My passwords been changed

    My guess is he's a bit confused that the reply is public; if it helps at all kyle, the mods would -never- post your new password here if they're able to get it changed to something usable again. They would either PM it to you, or they would Escalate this to the actual support-ticket system and...
  9. Livewire

    Language Rule

    Paid's TOS doesn't contain the word "English" in it at all, so I'm inclined to say yeah - there doesn't appear to be a language restriction at all. That being said, the obvious still applies - nothing that infringes copyright, and no warez :)
  10. Livewire

    Language Rule

    Which is also why the zero-tolerance rule is in effect - if it turns out someone is trying to hide something in the chinese section of the site and it gets caught, the site goes away. Permanently. No more second chances. I won't give details, but there's been some other changes going on...
  11. Livewire

    Suspended for Nulled scripts

    Essentially yes. You broke the TOS, x10 suspended the account, and under the Zero-Tolerance policy x10 is not required or obligated to return access to the account.
  12. Livewire

    Apparently Random Account Suspension - Why!?

    The only thing I can advise with that last part is making sure you log in and browse a bit (just to make sure the backend registers the login), THEN request the unsuspension; if you do it the other way around, the inactivity system may run it's check before you login, and your last login'll be...
  13. Livewire

    Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

    If you're just starting the RCT series and can run RCT3's Recommended (and preferably a bit better), go for RCT3. If you've already played some of the RCT's, RCT3 -is- a bit lower on my game totem than the first, but that's mostly cuase RCT3 feels like RCT1 with 3d. Other than that, RCT3's...
  14. Livewire

    high system resource

    I'll start at the first part, the 1 of 3. At 3, you can still get unsuspended, you just have to post back and have a mod undo it; at the same time ask for more info on which file caused it, and they can usually dig up which one is causing it :) Second, the bad scripting part. That's probably...
  15. Livewire

    Language Rule

    I am more than aware of this; not sure why you had to quote me as though you were responding to me. Rule's been there since I joined; the part I was replying to was the default language part of the users post that I quoted. Far as I can tell the default doesn't matter, as long as it's easy to...
  16. Livewire

    why suspended my account?

    Other languages are -half- supported; x10 has no staff that know other languages besides English, Spanish, and French, so a translation must be provided to at least 1 of these languages. The fine print here is if you do a translation properly to English (as of december 1st automated ones like...
  17. Livewire

    Language Rule

    Far as I know as long as -anyone- can use the language switcher, it should be fine to stick it in whatever language you want by default. I'd still make sure it's easily findable though - some I've seen online use the "flag=language" idea where you've got a row of flags, and you click yours to...
  18. Livewire

    how can i solve the problem

    Addon: The entire site wasn't. It got pasted in IRC and about 5 of us saw it before it got suspended by a mod. So while it was there for a while, that just means it didn't get reviewed - once it did, it got caught for TOS violation and suspended. Just adding that on.
  19. Livewire

    My Web Page

    I don't speak arabic or I'd be more than happy to; that's the real problem. There's not many arabic users on x10 that can speak english, spanish, or french well enough to do a translation, and unless it's in english spanish or french (or has it for a translation), the site gets suspended.
  20. Livewire

    My Web Page

    Per the X10 TOS you are required to have an English, French, or Spanish translation of your site. If you do not, it -will- be suspended, school site or not. End of story.