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  1. Livewire

    Softaculous MyBB * Could not write the Configuration File settings.php

    Also, for the php error Hellsheep missed, there's a file "init.php" missing in the subfolder "inc" - that's why the page is failing to load. Warning: require_once(/home/blazing/public_html/inc/init.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory <--- see?
  2. Livewire

    X10hosting Forum Activity Requirement issues

    The inactivity scanner isn't as perfect about the "last visit" thing in vB; you may wanna stick around and click a few random links (browse a bit) just to make sure the scanner catches that you're online and marks it accordingly. Seems to be the cause from what I've seen at least.
  3. Livewire

    Suspended and unspended, WordPress Exploit Scanner may be the problem

    At the very least it's definitely evidence that the high resource scanner -does- work; I ran the same plugin on my local testing environment, maxed the cpu for a few seconds which doesn't work on free hosting. My advice for testing purposes is to install it all on a WAMP or XAMPP local testing...
  4. Livewire

    What's the daily web traffic limit?

    Far as I know, there isn't a daily traffic limit, but it bites if you were to hit it in 1 day, cause for the rest of the month it's got one of them Bandwidth Exceeded pages. As for the 45gb bandwidth and the other upgrades, that's part of x10's ad-enhanced (it's still free, but there's an...
  5. Livewire

    Password Error, Email Rejecting Signup

    Bad advice, shoudln't have to change emails just to sign up. Hang tight and a mod'll come along who can help more, but I'm guessing it's one of those things where if you wait a bit it'll clear it out of the signup queue.
  6. Livewire

    Flash games with Mochi Coins and Facebook

    I should add though that it probably is strong enough to do something like a high-score table, or even a game if you optimize it so it doesn't hit the database dozens of times a game. Could work for a save-game sort of thing too, where you get to the save point and it does 1 hit to the x10...
  7. Livewire

    Log in indefinitely

    For cPanel no, but for the forums there's a Remember Me option which I half recommend marking. I say half, because you still wanna browse around a bit on your visits to ensure the system marks you as logged in for purposes of inactivity checking; the inactivity script counts the last visit, so...
  8. Livewire

    Help with Domain & Hosting Linking

    Loads fine here; my guess is it's because DNS can take 24-72 hours to propagate depending on the ISP in question, so while OpenDNS (the DNS servers I use) already has the new site dns info, your ISP might not yet.
  9. Livewire

    Cannot access my cPanel account

    It also looks surprisingly illegally close to a phishing site. Seriously: compare these: his, . Both say On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina, but the second actually -is- official. What reason would this company have to...
  10. Livewire

    Please Have A review

    Needs lots of work; the overall front page layout made me think I was on someone's scam site at first, then I realized it's a business site, despite having very little that makes it -look- like a business site. 1) What reasons for the Youtube, Google, Facebook, etc logos in the lower right...
  11. Livewire

    Flash games with Mochi Coins and Facebook

    Just wanna jump in; I'm not sure x10 would be the best place to host the backend for games like that, particularly if they got popular in a hurry. The sheer number of people hitting the account with updates and requests could trip the High Resource Usage suspension system; the popular ones from...
  12. Livewire

    help . needed please

    Actually there wasn't a link in the original post, so I was using which is what was listed as your domain on the AIP. That explains the problem. Edit: after checking that link, firefox is not able to locate any media actually -on- the page; the Media tab is...
  13. Livewire

    help . needed please

    Loads fine here, although because there's no pre-loader on the flash it may be taking some time to download to your pc. Might wanna look into adding something like a loading bar so you know where it's at.
  14. Livewire

    Drupal openpublish

    You've got a thread in free hosting: Use it; that's the one in the right section anyways.
  15. Livewire

    suspended for spamming

    That's not a High Resource Usage suspension (first 2 of which can be unsuspended manually) or inactivity; he won't be able to unsuspend by himself. What I -will- do is hit the escalate button and get this pushed up to a support ticket, as the old support ticket system no longer works - you...
  16. Livewire


    The trick behind the System Backups part is while x10 does offer backups to the customer, your hosting was revoked due to a severe TOS violation. You are no longer a customer, so the backups are no longer available to you. In addition, as the TOS violation was not caused by x10, no refunds...
  17. Livewire


    If you would prefer one of us can escalate this to the staff section so they can handle it, although you will get the same answer. The fact of the matter is you put the files on x10hosting to utilize its hosting services, which have been discontinued because you -broke- the TOS for its hosting...
  18. Livewire

    mySQL max packet allowed

    Fantastico is not supported directly by x10; it's something that comes with cPanel, and x10 can't remove/add applications to it. That's the problem there; the other problem is the High Resource Usage section in the TOS - if they set it to 16M, you may very quickly end up getting suspensions for...
  19. Livewire


    As this is a very severe TOS violation (ranks up there with warez and phishing, XXX material is NOT TOLERATED AT ALL), you will not be unsuspended for any reason. Your account is in the termination queue to be erased, and that's pretty much it. X10 also has it listed in the TOS that you're...
  20. Livewire

    Website doesn't open by default, only goes to the directory

    Change Index.html to index.html (lowercase i); x10's on Linux, which is case sensitive :) Edit: GAH! NINJA'D BY DESCALZO! Edit 2: AND by gomarc?! God I was slow >_<