Search results

  1. Livewire

    Teamspeak services

    No; the only service x10 offers that could run a teamspeak server is the VPS, which costs money to purchase.
  2. Livewire

    include() does not work

    Include's a construct, not technically a function, so it'll return false although it exists. Other than that, I can't see why the code itself isn't working - it should be, but try just doing include("header.php"); and include("footer.php"); Never really needed $_SERVER['document_root'] on my...
  3. Livewire

    Ban Hidden Links In Earning Money

    Ah, very good point, totally missed that one. Sure makes me lean more towards the Earning Money only idea :)
  4. Livewire

    Ban Hidden Links In Earning Money

    Hence why I'm pushing for Earning Money rather than whole forum; I can just avoid clicking them anywhere else, but it's hard to enforce the "No-Non-Referral" when you can't even tell if the link is a referral to begin with. Gotta click on it and give someone a free click for breaking the rules :(
  5. Livewire

    Locate file on server

    The reason is simple: 1000's of accounts per server. If the memory limit gets any higher, the server can become insanely unstable and your posts won't be about the memory limit, they'll be about the server being down. Granted, not all the accounts are using all that memory at one time, but...
  6. Livewire

    Ban Hidden Links In Earning Money

    Earlier today I reported a post for having a hidden referral link (hidden behind a TinyURL link). Out of curiosity, what logical reason is there for allowing hidden links in earning money to begin with, whether they're referrals or not? We're not all grownups and there's no way through TinyURL...
  7. Livewire

    want make great payment per month with no scam!!

    Thanks for reading the rules, we appreciate it. 2) You must post non-referral links... Starting from now, any people who post referral links to services with no non-referral link will receive infractions and their threads will be deleted. Staff shouldn’t have to edit posts for you to do this...
  8. Livewire

    Stopping DoS and DDoS attacks?

    Yeah, which is why you'd want a plugin or some other addon to perform the check. Kinda difficult to manually block 1000's of IP's if you're really on someone's OMG YOUR SITE MUST NO LONGER ACCEPT CONNECTIONS list.
  9. Livewire

    No item in CPanel is currently working

    Not to be mean or rude so don't take it that way, SMTP won't interfere with cPanel - cPanel runs on 2082, SMTP runs on a different port and handles email. Might mess up password recovery granted, but it shouldn't mess up logging in at all.
  10. Livewire

    Review my site for some heavy credits :)

    This is also over 1 year old and explains the 404 error.
  11. Livewire

    hoping for your kind help

    Am I: the only one that noticed the link it's sending him to in the original post is a -404-? Cause honestly, I dun care what the php configuration is, the 404 seems like it's the problem, but I have no idea how to fix that - I don't have enough experience with WP to know what it's doing.
  12. Livewire

    DB name problem

    You're on a free service where thousands of accounts are using the same sql database server; to prevent database name collisions (such as two users using the database name "smf" or "phpbb"), cpanel prefixes everything with your login name. Not entirely sure why it's not allowing a name with an...
  13. Livewire

    Lagging of updates in website

    Oooh, gotcha. I thought you meant to every url to force it to clear cache on every page >_< My bad >_<
  14. Livewire

    Lagging of updates in website

    Makes for ugly looking url's though, that's why I try to avoid them if possible :)
  15. Livewire

    Lagging of updates in website

    Whoops, I totally missed that part. Quantity is just how many of that particular reward are left to be purchased in the shop. For the moment, everything is "in stock" except the email :) Long as it doesn't say 0, it's available to be purchased. Dunno how often it gets reset, so keep checking...
  16. Livewire

    Lagging of updates in website

    Try clearing the cache of the page - it is entirely possible (and in my own experience on this and other free hosts) that your system has stored a cached version of the page to make loading faster. Of course if it doesn't check properly or otherwise doesn't realize there's a newer version of...
  17. Livewire

    Understanding PHP - TMT - Short Guide - Part 1

    No, Rapidshare and Megaupload do the same things as this one does - you have to wait X seconds (in this case either 30 or 60 it seems) before the Download button will show up for a free member.
  18. Livewire

    down time, mail rejection, throttling, whats not to like about x10?

    Why would an x10 mod censor you? Corey said the same thing but much more bluntly 2 years ago :)
  19. Livewire

    400 Credits for a Good Gaming Clan/Community Name

    I normally suck with names, but I guess I need to jump in here - is this for a particular game or genre? If so please name it, that might help narrow down posts to something better for what you're trying to target :)
  20. Livewire

    SMART Questions (HDD's)

    If it would happen to die tomorrow I'll lose some data I can recover in about 12 hours (all the important stuff's been on DVD's since last year); I'll end up using the leftover space on my 640 until a replacement drive gets here. That drive is easily 9 years old, I can't remember what PC I...