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  1. descalzo

    Cron Jorbs

    You have the script named cron_job.php located in your public_html directory?
  2. descalzo

    Account Won't Unsuspend

    You got suspended for High Resource Usage. Something on your account started taking up a lot of CPU or RAM and the system automatically suspended you to protect all the other users on your shared server. You are now unsuspended. Remember to clear your browser cache and history before trying...
  3. descalzo

    I can't view my own website but other computer can

    Clear your browser cache and history. If that doesn't work, add ?foo to the end of the URL for you site. Either your computer or ISP is serving up old, cached pages.
  4. descalzo

    Please Unsuspend

    Done. Please remember to signin here to the Forum at least once every 31 days.
  5. descalzo

    re-openned suspended account but wordpress problems now

    Moved to Free Hosting so I can Escalate to a Support Ticket so an admin can fix this manually. It shouldn't take that long for the change to become finalized. This will close the thread (Don't Panic!) but you can follow the Support Ticket by clicking on the gold bar at top. Admin: URL still...
  6. descalzo

    re-openned suspended account but wordpress problems now

    Currently your domain is showing the Default Web Site Page (main page) and cPanel 404 error page (internal page). This is due to the fact that you have just added/changed domains. It takes up to 48 hours for the system to full integrate the change (the server mapping domain name to your files)
  7. descalzo

    Osama Bin Laden is dead!

    Make up your mind. Bhutto "says" he was murdered and Fox "says" he died of natural causes. a) After the Frost interview, Bhutto talks as if bin Laden alive. b) Fox didn't "confirm" anything. They just relayed a claim from...
  8. descalzo

    Osama Bin Laden is dead!

    A murderer has been killed. Guy was protected by the Pakistani people and government. I want to hear the Pakistani government's explanation.
  9. descalzo

    My account stills suspended

    This Forum account does not have a Free Hosting Account linked to it. So you are not suspended.
  10. descalzo

    Cron Jorbs

    /usr/bin/php /home/igor/public_html/cron_job.php >>/home/igor/public_html/log.txt 2>&1 Where 'igor' is replaced by your cPanel username and you adjust the path for both the script to run and the log file. This way any errors or output from your script will be logged. The time part would...
  11. descalzo

    Issues with installation

    I can see your front page. Please clear your browser cache and history (and perhaps add ?foo to the end of your URL to fool your ISP's caching routines) before checking your site again.
  12. descalzo

    Vbulletin problem

    Please contact vBulletin Support for assistance Since you paid $200 for the script, you should get you money's worth from their support department.
  13. descalzo

    Subdomain Expansion

    The nameservers here are You can edit the MX records via your cPanel
  14. descalzo

    Include issues with Cron Jobs

    $_ENV[ 'PWD' ] will give you '/home/chewett' (since it is running in your 'home directory' ). That is the best I could find for either $_ENV or $_SERVER ( $_ENV['PHP_SELF'] shows as not being set on my test account ).
  15. descalzo

    Include issues with Cron Jobs

    require_once("/home/chewett/public_html/curl/curl.php"); OR require_once("../curl/curl.php"); Unless I am wrong, the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is only set if script is run via the Web (document root is a web server concept) Not sure if there is another super-global that you can use...
  16. descalzo

    Include issues with Cron Jobs

    Could you cut/paste the exact error message that shows up in the log?
  17. descalzo


    Please clear your browser cache and history (and perhaps add ?foo to the end of your site's URL to fool your ISP's page caching routines).
  18. descalzo

    Internal Server Error

    I see an empty Index of / now.
  19. descalzo

    500 error

    New install? Anything changed? Files should be set to 0644 and directories to 0755 Any use of mod_rewrite in .htaccess file should include RewriteBase / at the top
  20. descalzo

    My web site don't work

    The baby blue Default Web Site Page you see is a placekeeper while the system updates itself to map your new domain name to your files. This can take 24-48 hrs. Each day there are a ton of such requests and sometimes they back up. Please clear your browser cache and history before checking...