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  1. descalzo

    Error In X10.BZ Hosting - ERROR 404

    I show your domain being redirected to a domain.
  2. descalzo

    Index of /

    If someone has a forum, he is expected to moderate it. If illegal/offensive material is left on a forum for any length of time, the owner would be responsible for it. You are not supposed to have a file upload site. That alone will get you suspended.
  3. descalzo

    wcfg.php error. site problems & redirects to an unrelated site

    The wcfg.php error is saying that you are missing that file, or it is in the wrong place. The redirects to the outside page when you type in a non-existant page is probably due to your .htaccess file. If you post the contents here, we can tell you how to fix it. It will probably relate to a...
  4. descalzo

    is php mail() function working?

    Last time I checked, PEAR is not installed. So, you would have to install the basic PEAR files first. PHPMailer works with Google/SMTP without needing to do download anything else. It is what I use.
  5. descalzo

    index.html problems

    Just to make sure, index.html should be in /home/YOURcPANELUSERNAME/public_html/
  6. descalzo

    Error 403 on one particular folder

    If you could list the contents of .htaccess files from public_html, public_html/nileja , public_html/nileja/templates, etc. ie any directory that gives you a 403 and its ancestors.
  7. descalzo

    Boru Server

    Seems some people can reach your site while others can't. Seems the load balancer sends some people (IPs) to a functioning site and others (IPs) to a non-funcitoning site. Escalating to a Support Ticket. This will close the thread (don't panic!), but you can follow the Support ticket by...
  8. descalzo

    Domain name change shows defaultwedpage.cgi after 1 week!

    Will escalate this to a Support Ticket. This will close the thread (Don't Panic!) but you can follow the thread by clicking on the gold bar at top.
  9. descalzo

    Interesting effect with the canvas element and CSS

    I get what you describe in Chrome, but not in FireFox. Firefox renders squares. Interestingly, the blue square has fuzzy edges and the bottom & right edges of the red square are fuzzy in Firefox. If I resize the Chrome window, the images change proportions in the direction of the resize ... I...
  10. descalzo

    Ethical Scraping?

    If you steal from a thief, you are still a thief.
  11. descalzo

    Why i cant load jpg's from x10 host...???

    The servers here are *nix, which is case sensitive. Looking at your code, for example, it lists pics/kippivaunu.jpg but the image name on the server is Kippivaunu.jpg . So, the server is reporting the file as not found. It would work on a Windows server, but not on Linux. A best practice...
  12. descalzo

    Why i cant load jpg's from x10 host...???

    Yes. All the code would be nice. And a url. Some load. Which ones? The same ones each time? Is there a pattern?
  13. descalzo

    Sorry it is still about my domain (Question this time)

    This is your third thread on this. You changed the domain name. Now you want the old name back. It takes awhile to flush the old name out of the system so you can use it again. They escalated the first two requests so Admins might hurry up the process for you. What you did was change the...
  14. descalzo

    raw access logs

    There are no individual logs for Free Hosting Accounts.
  15. descalzo

    Site Not Found

    1. move the files back OR 2. Uninstall wordpress using softaculous and then reinstall
  16. descalzo

    Error page

    Clear your browser cache and history, I can see your front drupal page. If that does not work, add ?foo to the end of the URL.
  17. descalzo

    php rank ratings

    Do you want them all listed by rank? Or do you just want the highest rank one at top and don't care about the order of the rest? Ties?
  18. descalzo

    Hotlink prevention script stopped working?

    replace include() with readfile()
  19. descalzo

    Hotlink prevention script stopped working?

    Step one would be to remove the @ from the @include. If you want to catch errors, don't suppress error reporting. Step two would be $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is /home/foo/public_html , where 'foo' is your cPanel username. If you placed your images in /home/foo/PNG , aren't you going up too many...
  20. descalzo

    My Supension And Why....

    Tell your friend that he just cost you your free hosting account. It will not be unsuspended. You will not be allowed access. You will not be given backups.