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  1. Livewire

    AMD athlon 1.4ghz vs celeron 2.6ghz

    For a webserver the main slow-down should actually be the speed of the hard-drive; in my opinion I'd use the AMD 1.4ghz for it - leave the 2.6 available for something that needs the extra oomph behind it.
  2. Livewire

    Can you read this?

    Watch the post above you too - it's posted almost exactly 1 year after the previous post XD (No idea if this means I have good eyes or not though.)
  3. Livewire

    Secure Text - Copy Proof Text

    And for that matter it wouldn't surprise me if there's apps available that can read the text off of a jpeg anyways - bots use them to get past poorly designed Captcha's. Besides, disabling right-click only works if the user doesn't -disable- javascript. If it's disabled, right click works, and...
  4. Livewire


    I gather since he wants it modifyable via PHP there's some other reason he wants an ftpd client (possibly a service of some form that would be better serviced with ftp for its members?) Filezilla won't work, I can't even -find- its configuration files, but it seems it -might- still be...
  5. Livewire

    Can't close my thread

    Common = non mod/admin The sticky says to close it because when it was posted, pretty much everyone could close their own threads - that functionality changed a while after that got posted. The spanish-speaking users aren't treated differently, it's just that section of the forums (the...
  6. Livewire

    OMG...all of you should read this!

    T'was joking, it's part of a Ron White skit :) Was hoping to break up the seriousness of the argument.
  7. Livewire

    OMG...all of you should read this!

    How do you figure? Vegetarianism means you eat the same stuff the cows eat - they're still tootin' away. Being an Omnivore or a Carnivore means we're eating the thing that's doin' the tootin'. We're doing our part for the environment too, it's just a bit of a different perspective :)
  8. Livewire

    The Sims 3 - have you had enough?

    If 3 brings back most of the stuff they added into 2, I might look at getting it. But for now, power to TS2, and my freakin 20gb downloads folder. I guarantee TS3 won't work with at least 19gb of them either :( Edit: One of the sims 2 expansions added an "age-with-me" system LadyAnna...
  9. Livewire

    Internet Explorer 8 - Now with less Beta!

    Quoted for Truth. Although I'm screaming in agony that I have to voluntarily install it.
  10. Livewire

    Can I use the account for this?

    Server Usage heading 1 Particularly: Which is exactly what you want to do. So the answer's no.
  11. Livewire

    No includes on higher directories?

    QFT; whenever possible don't do absolute. Seriously; its a pain to migrate from Localhost to <insertdomainhere>. Heck, it's a pain to move from <insertdomainhere> to <insertdomainhere>/<insertsubfolderhere> :P
  12. Livewire

    No includes on higher directories?

    It'll start looking in a/lettera/a/includes/header.php. Tested this in a localhost testing environment: Two files, index.php (located in htdocs/gallery1), includer.php (located in htdocs/gallery1/action). Inside includer.php: <?php include ("../index.php"); ?> Included index.php properly...
  13. Livewire

    Diablo III

    Gotta snipe this idea - if you can, get at least -1- drive with high hdd rpm (Western Digital Velociraptors?), and put your games on -that- drive. Music and other non-speedy-access files can go sit on a slow drive, it's not gunna hurt them :) As much as I'm gunna get slammed for this, I've...
  14. Livewire

    Hey Check out my site?:)

    Several rendering issues in FireFox 3, page doesn't load fully in IE7 (probably the two most popular browsers and it's not working correctly in either - this needs some fixing). Other than those, the site looks good, but it shouldn't be having serious rendering issues. The probable cause...
  15. Livewire

    Where to find "nameserver" info?

    I should macro this:
  16. Livewire

    Microsoft & Dell to Merge - An April Fools Joke?? Carried a similar article in late '05. I have my serious doubts this is actually a -real- merger, given that it was first posted so far back. I mean if it was such a serious deal, why's it taking 2 years to...
  17. Livewire

    Has anyone got a site that has been up for a full week on x10

    In my defense, OP never said the x10 hosted site had to be on a free server :) But yeah, if you can afford it, Paid = God. If you can't...Well hopefully x10 can find the problems and fix them soon.
  18. Livewire

    implementing AJAX ?? As an FYI, even though they're using ASP for their example, it -can- be done in php. The code's different, but here:"GET","time.asp",true);Change time.asp to time.php and use standard php functions to return the current time. That'll...
  19. Livewire

    Has anyone got a site that has been up for a full week on x10

    Confirmed, cause here's what it says on the x10 homepage: [/LIST] Notice, no 99.9% uptime guarantee. [/LIST] Notice, 99.9% uptime guarantee :) This should just about quash everyone saying it was 99.9% guaranteed - it wasn't.