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  1. Livewire

    Dual Monitor setup

    It has, many cards support multiple monitors; the 8800gt I've got supports dual monitors including a TV right off the bat, so does the one in my mom's pc although hers is an INSANELY old card in comparison. Find the make and model video card you have; if it actually has the multiple video...
  2. Livewire

    Problem using php header() function

    As soon as any text (even a blank space) is returned, PHP must send headers that indicate a standard HTML webpage. So, in short, to use header, the very first characters in your document MUST be <?php - this particular string isn't sent to the user, and it just sets it up to process data...
  3. Livewire

    Enticing people to join

    I'd still post about problems but I would shorten them up to "Fixed a glitch in the event system," and leave it at that - users dun need to know exactly what the glitch was, just that there was one and it's fixed, so if they experienced a problem with it, it should be fixed, or they need to file...
  4. Livewire

    Help me about signing up

    And that's what the support ticket is for, since if you try to contact them via PM without getting their permission first, the PM is outright ignored, or deleted and the sender given an infraction for unsolicited PM. The forums went Community-Based-Support quite some time ago, the staff don't...
  5. Livewire

    Help Needed With A Web Page

    Might cuase an issue, you opened a <noscript> tag on line 15 but it was never closed properly. Dunno if thats the cause or not but take a look for where you wanted the ending tag to go and get it in there :)
  6. Livewire

    PHP - Hi User script?

    The code is assuming Register_Globals is on, which it will virtually -never- be. Replace that book now because it's relying on a function which no longer exists in PHP6, was defaulted to Off sometime in php5, and is depreciated as of somewhat recently. To fix: replace: <? print "<h3>Hi...
  7. Livewire

    Sub-account access?

    The other idea is locating a Content Management System that does what you want and using that; no cpanel/ftp access needed if the CMS does it for you :) Think Wikipedia in that sense - no direct account access but thousands of users can contribute with ease (doesn't distribute files...
  8. Livewire

    Server Status & Chopin

    Somethings broke somewhere then, it's loading here and I'm fresh off a DNS flush :S
  9. Livewire

    Server Status & Chopin

    Wrong server-status script, that one's hella outdated (it's checking the wrong datacenter entirely actually). Use instead; this one's current :)
  10. Livewire

    My site

    Not sure why but whenever you're on the Casino room page, pretty much every link comes up a 403. I have no idea why though, copy/pasting the link into another tab works just fine :S Other than that I like it, cept that it looks like the game the site's about took a HELL of a lot of...
  11. Livewire

    Cruel ASP.NET

    From what I can see in your code, you're missing a semicolon. <% response.write(now()) %> //needs semi after now()) The error that's displayed is because you have it set to not show the error message for security reasons; go into the web configuration file for your project, and replace...
  12. Livewire

    any name ideas? Livewire Authentication, part of the Livewire Computer Solutions family of businesses. Plus Livewire's MY name, not his ;) Edit: Certainly not a bad logo by far though :)
  13. Livewire

    I'm OLD!

    Buy Silver Service and you get called "VIP User" instead :) Although by post-count I's older than everyone else whose replied so far :(
  14. Livewire

    any name ideas?

    I'd shy away from XFire Computing due to its closeness in name to Xfire Incorporated, makers and owners of Not saying you can't go with it, but you run the risk of catching some flak if it gets too big too fast because of the nature of the two businesses - both are computer...
  15. Livewire

    IPB or Vbulletin

    Who bumped this from 2007? >_< Ideally the topic should get re-started, a lot's changed in both IPB and vBulletin since 2007, so the votes already cast should get cleared and restarted (lots of opinions might've changed from one to the other).
  16. Livewire

    Streaming Audio

    Could just navigate to that url and download the mp3 though. The problem is almost any player you use will begin downloading the file for playback, but it'll store it in the cache instead of giving the file-download box. The -real- problem is anyone who wants that mp3 knows to either look in...
  17. Livewire

    WTF? - Walmart refuses sale

    Actually the way I read it, I read it as Walmart cards -everyone- in the group, including the children the parents brought with them. Obviously the kids can't be carded because they don't have cards, so the sale should end up being refused (lots of parents are stupid enough to buy alcohol for...
  18. Livewire

    WTF? - Walmart refuses sale

    Please read original post again; the issue wasn't -his- age, the issue was the age of another person who was present with him during the shopping, but not present at checkout.
  19. Livewire

    Wow what's my cpanel information?

    Did you sign up for hosting, or just for the forum? to signup for hosting; the Forum account is required but done via a separate system :)
  20. Livewire

    Busted Again

    Actually there's a lot of post-for-hosting style free-hosts out there; if you don't read the TOS and take it literally, it does appear like it's post-for-host style. What annoys me more though is if someone doesn't see the replies so they keep posting to keep their account alive but never read...