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  1. Livewire

    Is Google a "She" or a "He"?

    Google is the RIAA and the sites that let you get the MP3's illegally. Google is the MPAA and the sites that let you get the movies illegally. Google is every car designer in the world at the same time, and it advertises their rivals on their sites via AdSense. Google is every company and its...
  2. Livewire

    Has anyone got a site that has been up for a full week on x10

    Mine's been set at 5 minute intervals. It's failed three times, each of which I've actually narrowed down to my pc/isp (every single web location, including, Google, was reporting down). But other than the homebuilt monitor freaking, it's been up for a few months without problems.
  3. Livewire

    Resident Evil 5 Impressions

    Can you do some background research before claiming you need a mid-high end system to run it properly? It's -not- a pc game. It's 360 and ps3 only, meaning system requirements are blown out the window. That said I had fun with it with some friends, co-op's sure fun. Was never big on the RE...
  4. Livewire


    GRID's on pc, otherwise Xfire wouldn't be able to track it, and it's my most-played game.
  5. Livewire

    I want to upgrade my processor- plz suggest

    We need all your current specs; if it's a pre-built computer, the make and model will help as well. Because of how cpu's work, chances are you'll have to upgrade the motherboard (CPU's have different sockets, and there's no way to make a Socket A cpu fit into a Socket 799 or whatever the...
  6. Livewire

    I have an announcement to make...

    I may be mistaken but I think his secondary DNS isn't much different than x10 having and - should either fail, there's a backup in place to point to the site. Personally I'd be more worried about the website itself than the DNS, but maybe the DNS was...
  7. Livewire

    Look at this...

    They didn't forget to renew: Created on: 02-Aug-07 Expires on: 02-Aug-09 Whoever owned the site likely got offered a decent chunk of change to transfer ownership, or somehow the owner of awsurveyscam lost some form of lawsuit/claim against them by the owners of awsurveys. Whatever the...
  8. Livewire

    PHP - opening a socket to a ventrilo server

    No TOS violation from what I can see - Ventrilo's site has no Terms of Use on it (I'm assuming it's inside the app itself), but just like a video game server, it seems Ventrilo is designed to report some information back if queried specifically. Plus Ventrilo's Public 3.0 server is free, so...
  9. Livewire

    PHP help

    It won't, gotta burst your bubble there. Soon as the very first < went out (the < in <html>), Headers were sent identifying the page as html; header() will return an error/warning along these lines: Cannot send headers; Headers already sent on line 59850683969; The good news is I think...
  10. Livewire


    Gotta be a stickler for details here, GRID isn't DIRT's sequel. GRID is the latest addition to the ToCa RaceDriver series (hence the full title Race Driver: GRID). Colin McRae DIRT is by the same company but it's getting its own sequel in september 2009 -...
  11. Livewire


    DIRT's available for pc, Trackmania's combination free and pay - there's different versions of it. ^ Nations Forever is free, United Forever looks to be paid. Edit: Oh and obviously Trackmania DS is pay cause you gotta buy the cartridge.
  12. Livewire

    include page problem

    Inside Action/form.php, replace all your print/echo statements with $Table.= Ergo, Echo "<input type=whatever>"; Print "<input type=whatever2>"; becomes $Table.="<input type=whatever>"; $Table.="<input type=whatever2>"; If you keep using Echo's and Prints in the include, it'll echo them...
  13. Livewire

    include page problem

    So when you're adding those buttons from Action/form.php, Action/form.php is actually doing $Table.="CodeForButtons"; ? Cause if it's not, theres the problem - you can't do an echo if you're including it like that. Part of what I don't get though is why you're stuffing everything into the...
  14. Livewire

    include page problem

    1) Your new include code returns '.require_once('Action/form.php').' I tried the include a ton of ways, none of them worked the intended way. 2) The .= means take $variable and append the stuff after .= onto it. So: $Table="<td>"; $Table.="Test"; $Table.="</td>"; print $Table; //$Table...
  15. Livewire

    include page problem

    Huh, shur enough, something isn't quite right here...hang tight, running it locally now and seeing if I can't figure out why in the name of zeus this thing isn't working quite right XD Shoulda tried it first before I said it was right I guess. Edit: Seems include/require don't work that...
  16. Livewire

    include page problem

    Filename there says it's trying to open 'Action/form.php</td>' - sounds like you missed a quote in the php statement somewhere. Can you paste your new line that you're using there, cause $Table .="<td>".require_once('Action/form.php')."</td>"; is valid and shouldn't be causing errors.
  17. Livewire

    Problem occur during download the games

    DS Download Play is a term used for several of the varying multiplayer games available (Mario Kart does it for sure, Metroid Prime Hunters might), as well as "Demo Kiosks" in some Bestbuy and Walmart stores. For the multiplayer games, 1 of your gaming group has to have the original cartridge...
  18. Livewire


    GRID, but having never played Burnout, GRID might be too arcade too. Course the Flashback system is nice - make a critical screwup? Got a Flashback left? Rewind the replay and hit the flashback button and try it again!
  19. Livewire


    Keep in mind that's the one thing Folding@Home won't like - full ram...It'll still work well on the 3.4 as far as getting the calculations done, but it can tend to be a bit of a resource hog if you let it be. I say give it a shot and if it doesn't work out, erase it - won't hurt anything to...
  20. Livewire


    With any luck I'll get my finances in order soon enough as well to figure that out; the odd part for me is there's 2 different sets of directions for two different setups. I've no idea what the advantages/disadvantages are, just that it's listed as another High Performance client that can...