Search results

  1. Livewire

    18 year age restriction on spores online functions!

    One word: Sporn. Seriously, theres a reason they started keeping an eye on things, especially after gamers-at-large proved that all they could think of was ways to use Spore's creature designing abilities to make it appear as though a creature was either a representation of a particular...
  2. Livewire

    Tell your story of how you almost got scammed or one of your friends/family/coworker

    Re: Tell your story of how you almost got scammed or one of your friends/family/cowor Well, he did find the right topic - I'm gunna tap report, every post of his has some link mixed in with the foreign language, and I have no idea what the links have to do with anything - I'm certainly not...
  3. Livewire

    good or bad deesign?

    Drop the grey/black alternating diagonal line background for sure - the rest of it I can see being there, but I'm not an expert on what does/doesn't look good. The background's giving me a headache though (nothing personal, it just seems more...Vibrant than it should be)
  4. Livewire

    [OFF] Link on my website - 150 credits

    I re-read the offer closely, he wants 150 creds to put your link on his site (ergo, you pay him to host the link). If for any reason he decides NOT to host the link, he will refund the creds so no $ is lost from it being full. It's not the best wording but it's close enough, but might wanna PM...
  5. Livewire

    Switch to second level php?

    His link is formatted improperly, he's typed the link without the preceeding "http://" Is the page in question. The glitch I believe is right at the top - "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}...
  6. Livewire

    Animated PHP and GD image? Someone linked me to that in IRC a long while back; it kinda cheats though - it's not using the GD library for making the gif itself. Gifmerge appears to come from here: See if those help at all.
  7. Livewire

    Important Poll - Sort of

    I picked rock because I've been informed that my definition of "metal" was "a crock of (bleep)" by several of my friends :) I promptly re-tagged everything in the library cause I hate having bad tags.
  8. Livewire

    gta sa

    I imagine it would be if you had only a keyboard/mouse as opposed to any form of PS2 like gamepad (I say ps2 like because SA was on a PS2, in truth any gamepad for a console SA was on should be ok). Plus theres a lot of people who just like to drive around and crash into things as opposed to...
  9. Livewire

    Lets Earn with me.

    n3v3rl0v3: Far as I can see you are safe, because every referral's got a non-referral to go with it :) cunninger: Make sure you re-read the earning money rules if you have the time, the non-referral rule doesn't mean you can't have referrals, it just means for every referral link, you need a...
  10. Livewire

    what is ur pc configuration...

    Main: AMD dual core 3.0ghz (Athlon 64 x2 6000+) Parent's PC: AMD Athlon 1.67ghz, forget the specifics (bit better than the Mediabox) Mediabox: AMD Sempron 1.67ghz 233fsb (that FSB makes it act like a snail though, so it's doing little more than serving files to my network beside my TV)...
  11. Livewire

    Keaton Font

    Fontfinder couldn't find it in around 63,000 different fonts, so I have my doubts that they actually used a font called Keaton (or if they did it's one thats insanely hard to find). I've got the template downloaded right now, I'm searching through it to see where it says it had Keaton for a...
  12. Livewire

    image links not working

    The gallery itself is breaking w3c valid html which appears to be causing the problems on my system at least (thumbnails not becoming clickable). [/LIST] Those in particular are AFTER the thumbnails though, which confuses me. Theres no reason they're there for one, but ignoring that those...
  13. Livewire

    Downloadable Graphic Cards?

    Graphic enhancers don't count as graphic cards. I'm guessing from what you're discussing, you're thinking along the lines of something like Riva Tuner, which lets you increase the core speed, the shader speed (if applicable, seem my card won't let me adjust them independently), and the memory...
  14. Livewire

    Downloadable Graphic Cards?

    I'm afraid I must ask for links to what you're asking about. Cause the closest I can find on google is this: Download Intel Express 3D Graphics Card Problem is the part immediately -after- that: Driver 3.7 Driver for 9X ... It's just the driver for the card, not the card itself. I...
  15. Livewire

    Details on the New Xbox Experience

    I'll give you the games point, but let me explain a bit more why I'm not particularly concerned with that for the moment. As of right now theres 2 main games I was insanely interested in - Gears of War (1 not 2 cause I haven't played 1 yet), and Mass Effect, both of which hit on PC. I'll also...
  16. Livewire

    Details on the New Xbox Experience

    Irony; I can copy PC games to the hard drive and play them from there too (and have indeed done so), so I can't consider that a plus for the 360. I like the blade system as it is - if they're going to remove functionality from it then why the heck even keep it? More I look at this the more I...
  17. Livewire

    Details on the New Xbox Experience

    If it turns out theres no way to go back to Blades I think I'll just sink my Xbox slush-fund back into more powerful PC's. Seriously. If I wanted my Xbox to look like a Wii, I'd buy a Wii. Edit: I should clarify, I don't have a 360 yet. Working on saving up the finances for it and a few...
  18. Livewire

    What is the longest it has taken a mod to answer your question?

    Just pointing out my vote is the one for "under 24 hours" - comes as a bit of an advantage to being a paying member, along with being on a server that doesn't need cleanup which keeps the admins too busy to answer tickets :)
  19. Livewire

    My poor laptop is too new.

    They were, but this particular one doesn't seem that it needs DOS. I did find the system requirements though, and about all I have to say on that is "DAYUMN thats old!" Windows® Windows® 3.x or higher 386SX/25mhz processor or higher 1MB free hard disk space 4MB RAM 2x CD-ROM drive or...