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  1. Livewire

    New Sega console to challenge PS3 and Wii?

    Mini heads up as well cause I coulda sworn I've seen an extremely close console to the one in the original post. It's a white Sega Saturn - it's not actually a picture of the new console, should there actually be one. Just wanted to avoid some confusion :) Carry on!
  2. Livewire

    PHP & SQL help

    Dunno about the .= either but mysqli's basically the same as mysql. Theres some differences in how it actually runs on the other side of the code, but it seems to be used the same ways (so it's valid) :) Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can see whats really causing the issue, just...
  3. Livewire

    2009: Custom Domain Name Extensions

    How about custom extensions for TV channels? Showname.WIPBS for Wisconsin PBS channels. Showname.G4 Showname.HBO Showname.ABC Showname.CNN Showname.NBC Showname.WGN Showname.Weather (hey, weather channel does do specials every once in a while) Gotta admit, THAT I can see. It'd basically just...
  4. Livewire

    (That was supposed to be in response to a message he sent me, lol)

    (That was supposed to be in response to a message he sent me, lol)
  5. Livewire

    What if I dun wanna?

    What if I dun wanna?
  6. Livewire

    I just noticed: Fantastico's WP

    Wait, now I'm confused. What is that javascript rss feed thing supposed to do? I mean, as far as RSS feed things go, you just put a picture up that says "Click here for RSS" and link it to the rss feed file. Might still not be able to help, but what're you trying to do specifically, cause...
  7. Livewire

    I just noticed: Fantastico's WP

    Well I don't get what you mean about showing it, but I can say this: That popped up in the little RSS Feed icon for firefox, right by the url for your site when I opened it up. It's missing a title but it does display just fine on my end :)
  8. Livewire

    Please review my clan site again

    Yeah, without images and with the three or four 404'ing links, I'll reserve judgement - its obviously a WIP, but it's at a stage early enough to make it almost impossible to critique cause there's not much beyond a banner, linkbar, and content area. I will say this though: That particular...
  9. Livewire

    Which was last game?

    Indigo Prophecy. Before that, Supreme Commander (all 3 factions). Before that, Turok (which I followed up with by promptly ERASING from my computer, most mediocre shooter I've ever seen). Before that, Crysis. Before that, I successfully finished a race in Nascar Simracing with mechanical...
  10. Livewire

    PHP Media section

    Theres a bunch in Fantastico, they're under Content Management on the left (if you're having troubles seeing it, it's the list that includes e107, Drupal, Joomla, and Joomla 1.5 among others). Personally I'd prefer installing them from scratch so theres total control, but if you're new to CMS's...
  11. Livewire

    How to be Annoying

    Or make EVERY shortcut load one of those pages that uses javascript and goes "HEY EVERYONE I'M LOOKING AT PORN" with the flashy colors and bouncing window that makes it difficult to x out of while playing annoying sound effects like a bad childrens show :) Or do what my mom did to someone at...
  12. Livewire

    ram, processor,or harddisk.

    On mine, HD, Ram, Processor, in that order. HD's cause I've got an accumulated 10% free across all the partitions on the 320 and 120gb drives, ram cause I've got another slot for 2gb free, then processor cause I'm running an AMD dual core and although I have managed to max it out with some...
  13. Livewire

    Game Programming

    In truth though any "serious" language that can use DirectX or OpenGL is good enough.
  14. Livewire

    Rocket launched 5/31/08

    I didn't watch it but from previous launches, I'm betting it's paint, ice (condensation on the side of the rocket freezing as it gets into space, then dislodging and falling), and possibly insulation or foam. The latter's caused problems on other launches, but as far as paint and ice goes...
  15. Livewire

    What's Your Computer Made Of?

    There is: My specs are in there, I don't see a reason to post them in another location (plus the other thread's got more replies).
  16. Livewire

    PC Specs

    AMD Dual core Athlon64 x2 +6000 3.0ghz 2gb ram NVidia 8800gt 320gb Seagate SATA 1.5 120gb Western Digital IDE/PATA Onboard video/audio/lan, although video's disabled cause the 8800gt does much better :) XP SP2 Pro, working on either going Vista dual boot or linux dual boot, leaning towards...
  17. Livewire

    Anyone play The Sims?

    Sims 1 all expansions, Sims 2 all expansions here (not all the stuff packs, but in all honesty it seems most of the stuff packs lack support for new features added in some of the expansions like Freetime and Pets, so you have to hit up and see if someone's got a global-config mod...
  18. Livewire

    something that would make gamers have a heart attack

    Wait wait wait wait WAIT. He put this in the SERVER? Not the machine that's doing the actual gaming? What is he smoking, cause it's killing his wallet. He coulda just stuck with onboard video for the server cause it's not like the dedicated servers usually have flashy graphics on them...
  19. Livewire

    Dawn of War Dark Crusade

    Only real reason I stick with DOW:DC is cause I haven't quite gotten SS to like this system. Otherwise DC and SS seem to be so close together most people are opting for SS because of the new factions and new units, and in all honesty I think as soon as I figure out WHAT SS doesn't like about...
  20. Livewire

    Trick - WinXP Rotate screen

    I've got a better one we used at college actually - if you wanted to show the person in front of you something cool, you bent the monitor over (theirs were able to bend almost flat back), and flipped the screen via the keyboard. Worked like a charm, although I can't see this working much...