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  1. descalzo

    Legal Problems with Review Sites

    Also, if you are going to use a company's logo, do not link the image from their site.
  2. descalzo

    account suspension

    You are suspended for having a site with links to warez, which are, in effect, stolen property. You clearly do not respect other people's property. This is a permanent suspension under x10hosting's Terms Of Service, which you were presented with, and agreed to when you signed up. You will not...
  3. descalzo

    Hide Whois info?

    If you are talking about your domain, there is no Whois info for subdomains. If you are talking about your .com domain, masshuu is talking about the place you bought the domain name. They are the ones who you have to go to in order to have the Whois info hidden. x10hosting has nothing...
  4. descalzo

    how to restore folders for account???

    You are working with a *nix server, not Windows. When you delete something, it is gone, period. There are no backups.
  5. descalzo

    Help me please

    Using a vBulletin script without paying the creators for it is theft. x10hosting does not condone theft. Your Free Hosting Account will remain suspended. You will not be allowed access to delete, add, modify, or download files or databases. Sometime after 14 days, your Free Hosting Account...
  6. descalzo

    Database User Privileges

    Try going to cPanel --> MySQL Databases Drop the user from the database Add the user back, making sure to check ALL PRIVILEGES Sometimes the privileges get messed up and you have to re-attach the user.
  7. descalzo


    Which do you mean? 1. You did not upload a vBulletin script 2. You did upload a vBulletin script and you do have a valid license for it.
  8. descalzo

    oops, website gone

    After you go to your WordPress admin area using the x10 url, change the "site URL" to your .com address, otherwise all your links will look like the x10 URL.
  9. descalzo

    How do you cancel your account

    Your Free Hosting Account will be deleted some time after 14 days. There is no expediting deletion for suspended accounts.
  10. descalzo

    My site is suspended

    Will escalate to a Support Ticket since JM shows you unsuspended yet your URL still shows the Suspension page. This will close this thread, but you can follow the Support Ticket by clicking on the yellow bar at top or by logging on to the Account Management Panel.
  11. descalzo

    Suspended Account

    If a script is made by ABC Software and they sell it for $100 and you buy it from XYZ Software for $12, you know something isn't kosher.
  12. descalzo

    ruby on rails support?

    I doubt you saw that on a forum here. And if you did, it was in error. RoR is not supported.
  13. descalzo

    Sir My Account Suspen Plz Help.

    You apparently uploaded software for torrents. This puts a huge strain on the resources of a server, making life miserable for everybody on your server. So it is against the Terms Of Service you were presented with and agreed to when you signed up. So, your account will not be unsuspended...
  14. descalzo

    close the account

    Sorry, but accounts suspended for T.O.S. violations are not given priority in deletion. They are deleted by the system some time after 14 days. You will have to wait.
  15. descalzo

    please verify my account

    Is this a dagger which I see before me? Your site loads an empty Index of / page. I don't know what you mean by "verify"
  16. descalzo

    Stoli will not allow PERL scripts to run

    Not just Stoli. All Free servers have Perl & Python ( cgi ) disabled due to repeated abuse by some members. There has been no announcement as to when, or even if, they will be enabled again. PHP is the only option.
  17. descalzo

    My site doesn't run.

    Does your homepage use PHP to call some outside site for newsfeeds etc? If so, port 80 outbound has been blocked due to repeated abuse by a few members. This would cause a script to hang and cause the error message you see. I know of one site on your server, Chopin, that uses PHP/MySQL and it...
  18. descalzo

    How to run Python on X10Hosting

    Currently, Perl and Python via cgi are disabled due to repeated abuse by some members. No way around it. No indication as to if/when they will be enabled again. EDIT/ADD: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS POST IS OVER TWO YEARS OLD. CURRENTLY, PYTHON IS ENABLED.
  19. descalzo

    Facebook Issue

    Generally, that is a block against all (or or ) subdomains. Facebook, Hotmail, etc, get reports of abuse by one member site, and they blacklist all sites from the domains. Not just yours. You can try convincing Facebook that is separate from...
  20. descalzo

    close my hosting account

    Since your account is suspended for hosting a vBulletin without a license, it will be deleted anyway, some time after 14 days. The process will not be expedited.