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  1. descalzo

    Problems with the url

    Sometimes a new (sub)domain name takes 24-48 hrs to get properly updated by the system. The DNS points to your server, but your server does not know which account owns the (sub)domain.
  2. descalzo


    I get there. If you still see the 'Website doesn't exist' page, try clearing your browser cache and history (and maybe flush DNS). You are seeing old info.
  3. descalzo


    How are you trying to connect to phpMyAdmin? Through cPanel or directly? Oh, and change 'fris' to 'stoli' . Fris does not exist anymore. Edit/Add: should be the IP, not . Where did you get those?
  4. descalzo

    my sql/cgi bin not working for over a month

    cgi-bin (Perl/Python from the web) has been disabled due to abuse by some members. There has been no announcement as to if/when it will be enabled. I would proceed on the assumption that it will not be and try to convert your scripts to PHP.
  5. descalzo

    403 Forbidden

    Due to abuse by some members, cgi-bin (web based Perl/Python) has been disabled and there has been no announcement as to if/when they will be enabled again.
  6. descalzo

    Problem When Installing IPB (Legally Purchases)

    Did you cut/paste the full error message here? Also, you can go to cPanel --> PHPMyAdmin and look at your database. Specifically the table 'cache_store' and the column 'cs_key' .
  7. descalzo

    Problem When Installing IPB (Legally Purchases)

    Where does it say the "server has gone away"?
  8. descalzo

    Server/Daemon Down

    You site now loads ( blank Index of / page) . The Free servers often have temporary issues. This seems to be one of them.
  9. descalzo

    Which IP I need to point (DNS A)

    Your account is on It's IP is Note: you can use online tools such as to find a lot of thing out about a domain, etc.
  10. descalzo

    .htaccess on server boru

    No, they are both 403 errors. And, yes, we know what you want to do. The question is how to accomplish it. A better questions would be WHY? Free hosting accounts are for websites. This doesn't sound like a website to me.
  11. descalzo

    Host name

    It is 'localhost'
  12. descalzo

    Bugzilla Perl Moduels

    Running a script via a cron job is different from running it via Apache (the web server). Apparently they did not disable Perl, just the use of it from a web page/script.
  13. descalzo

    Bugzilla Perl Moduels

    cgi-bin (Perl/Python) has been disabled due to abuse by some members. There has been no announcement as to if/when they will ever be enabled again.
  14. descalzo

    Payment for account.

    More domains, emails, databases, etc (but still on the free servers): If you want to be on servers with fewer accounts and better up time:
  15. descalzo

    Help my site doesn't work,

    Basic fact is that x10hosting has tens of thousands of accounts. It doesn't take a large percentage of miscreants to create problems. As soon as x10hosting is notified of a problem (spammers, nulled scripts, phishing sites, etc), they check and then cancel the account. They consistently...
  16. descalzo

    where is my site?

    Will escalate this to a Support Ticket so an Admin can sort this out. This will close the thread, but you can follow the ticket by clicking on the gold bar at top or by logging onto the Account Panel.
  17. descalzo

    Website does not exist.

    Will escalate this to a Support Ticket so an Admin can sort this out. This will close the thread, but you can follow the ticket by clicking on the gold bar at top or by logging onto the Account Panel.
  18. descalzo

    addon domian not working

    My system shows it on your account, but going to the URL brings up the defaultwebsitepage.cgi which is because the system often takes 24-48 hrs to fully update itself and set up the routing to your account. Give it some time, clearing your browser cache and history before each try. Similarly...
  19. descalzo

    Default Web Site Page

    The system usually takes 24-48 hrs to update itself so that it knows which account on your server should handle the request. I still see the default page. Give it a bit more time, flushing your browser cache & history each time before checking.
  20. descalzo

    ruby on rails

    No. And probably won't be offered in the future.