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  1. D

    Rule Reminder \ Upcoming Rule Changes

    If you don't know what cron is or don't know how to check if you have it, it's very likely that you don't have one (unless you set up cron jobs while sleeping). ;)
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    Should x10 close?

    It's good to see everyone so willing to jump down Kar-Vastor's throat. If somebody asks a question, you tell them the answer. You don't chastise them, you don't say "If you even BOTHERED to read the news," you don't go on a tangent about how free hosting isn't paid hosting. You give them...
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    Ad overwriting?

    Domain issues Edit: Different problem. See below Original post asked about ads being overwritten, which isn't the case
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    V3 Glitch

    I've found a problem that was occurring for another user. In his case, he got a suspended message whenever he visited certain parts of his website, such as the /chat/ directory. The rest of his site worked fine. For me, I get it when I visit the following page. Check it out...
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    What plan am I actually?

    I was a corporate account on the free server when some accounts including mine were lost. I sent the PM to Corey requesting reinstatement, and was placed on the sustained server. I assumed I was corporate, and continued to place corporate ads. I just checked my cpanel, and I seem to...
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    No Marquee! Bad!

    If you want to get a point across, a marquee is a bad idea. The user doesn't get the whole thing for quite a while as it slowly scrolls.
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    cPanel issues (sustained)

    No domains, databases, etc, are showing up on my account, even after I create new ones. Making it a bit difficult to create a new database setup (can create user/db, but can't link them). Nice cPanel upgrade, bad usability :D Thanks for the help
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    Error 500 and DNS

    Two questions 1) I'm getting a 500 error with any sort of PHP scripting. I'm a new account on the sustained server, might that have something to do with it? 2) What are the DNS servers, again? I couldn't find it (search doesn't like 3-letter words)
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    So, a few years ago I started this little script that would display a random line of text in an image. Think of it as a random quote display. I put it in an image so it would show up in a forum signature. Further learning about PHP, I decided to make it so others could change the text...
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    Valid ad code

    Part of the ad code is not valid HTML 4.01 transitional, and it would be quite awesome if it were. In the noscript section, there is the info for the image. That url contains "adview.php?what=zone:1&n=" where it should be "adview.php?what=zone:1&n=". The & should be &
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    My lovely layout. :P Link requires a browser that renders pages correctly. Internet Explorer does not render pages correctly. IE7 beta does, but half of the footer just won't load. :P The original layout was designed by...
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    Hello thar

    I never got around to this at signup. Hey, I'm Dest. I've been an internet addict for many years now, and stumbled upon this lovely hosting service. I'm into php scripting, and web design.
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    Ad code formatting

    Because I hate having code look messy, I want to simply add a few spaces before lines, and split up some of the code between a few lines (specifically, the noscript line). To clarify, no code would be changed, just spaces added to make the source look nicer. Is this ok, or is the...