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  1. S

    Haven't introduced myself yet.

    I just wanted to say hey and thanks for letting me have some space here. It helps a lot.
  2. S

    Attendance Sheet Re-Made (Keep This One Active)

    mattblog DeadBattery stardom techairlines mattblog lukoot icywind335 xav0989 techairlines mattblog lukoot mattblog lukoot conzone DeadBattery Mattblog DeadBattery MattBlog darzamora techairlines Mattblog DeadBattery lukoot Mattblog darzamora Mattblog lukoot DeadBattery...
  3. S

    Cannot upload to my website

    Thanks so much! I thought of that, but wasn't sure cause it won't even let me into FTP. Will try that! Thanks again.
  4. S

    Cannot upload to my website

    I tried to upload with FTP and that didn't work, so I tried to upload files through cPanel and that still didn't work. I go to my site link for and that says it doesn't exist and asks if I would like to create that page. Then, I go to and it says, "Not Found...