Search results

  1. H

    Free hosting?

    Well, I've been a big fan of x10 for awhile, but unfortunately I had let my old website/forum go inactive and be deleted, so now I'm waiting for the signups to come back up because I have a guild for a game I am playing and currently I've been working on a website for several weeks now at...
  2. H

    Link your account to an address?

    Well, I just un-suspended myself, even though my site is somewhat active...I just re-read and found out that I have to 'link' my site to an account. I've had this account for awhile, but I don't see anything on how to link my acct to anything. Yep, search didn't reveal anything ;) Hope to...
  3. H

    My forum not loading...

    When I left work on Sunday my site was running fine. I check on it now and, well click on my link and you'll see. Nothing. Just a blue-black screen, which is the appropriate color. What happaned while I was gone?
  4. H

    Where do you work?

    Well, in a thought to be more personal, I thought I would post this. Where do you work? I have 2 jobs. P/T School bus driver P/T Customer service Rep.
  5. H

    GW Gamers Unite!

    Well I thought that since I created a WoW Gamer's thread, I might as well not be bias and make a Guild Wars thread... Feel free to post your acct name and contact methods.
  6. H

    2 part question

    First thing, I got my site up and running, link is in my sig. Starting small, but building up as we speak. First question: 1) Do we need things like meta tags so search engines can find the site? Or is that done automatically? 2) I saw in the News forum that x10Corporate just needs a...
  7. H

    WoW Gamers Unite!

    Well, I have seen that since there are a lot of people on this site, I naturally figured at least SOME people have to play WoW. So if you wanna meet up, feel free to post your acct name/realm to have someone to enjoy WoW with.
  8. H

    What prog do you use for graphic/sig making?

    I'm interested in trying my hand at graphics/sig/avatars and such, and I wanted to know what people use. I have no experience in graphic design, so possible links to tutorials and such would be great...
  9. H

    Adding ad's to phpbb forum

    Well, right now I'm still waiting for approval, which shouldn't take long...anyway, before i posted the forum online I installed a prog called EasyPhp, which installed and configured apache, sql and php for me, then I installed phpbb at home, which I do not have net at the time. I'm at work...
  10. H

    Hello out there in TV Land!!!

    Name's Adam...heard about this site while looking for hosting for my new forum, just waiting for it's approval ATM. Just thought I'd say hi.