Search results

  1. iSean

    Google Search keeping out websites on X10hosting?

    If you have just created your website, you will need to wait until you get some more traffic before being able to locate it in google search, since they put most popular sites up first. If you search the actuall domain name, it should come up just to show that x10hosted sites can be found :)
  2. iSean

    x10 Basic cPanel - Email Domain Mix-Up

    -- Bump -- Sorry to double post, but just wondering if this problem has been remembered? I deleted one of my websites and both my e-mails. I then created a new e-mail under the 1 website I have. When I click on 'Manage Email' in my website it says I have no...
  3. iSean

    Prime Account Status

    If you purchased it "over" a year ago, will it not be expired? I thought prime membership is a yearly subscription? also if you do still have prime account upgrade then maybe read here.
  4. iSean

    Prime Account Upgrade - Confusion :S

    Ahh ok then ;P thanks for your help guys :)
  5. iSean

    Prime Account Upgrade - Confusion :S

    Yeah, I understand that :P I was just wondering why it sometimes replaces 'Basic' with 'Prime'? :)
  6. iSean

    Prime Account Upgrade - Confusion :S

    Thanks for the reply, I understand and yes it would be nice if the control panels showed the status but do you know why it shows 'Prime' instead of basic on some pages like in the images I posted above?
  7. iSean

    Change allowed folders on a FTP Account

    If you switch back to cPanel x3 and then click on 'FTP Accounts' under 'Files'. You can create an FTP account and set the dirextory in which that user accesses.
  8. iSean

    Identity Verification

    Without an SSL Certificate, there is no way you can edit that area so that it 'looks legit' for free, that spot in Chrome, IE, Firefox and other browsers is reserverd for SSL Certificates. As Dead-i suggested, you can upgrade to x10Premium for an SSL Certificate but that would cost a small amount.
  9. iSean

    A wise decision

    I don't know much about the domain problem, but just a little thing about the Account Linking, I think you have to first register your username on the forum and then link that, I don't think it creates one for you. The reason you link these 2 accounts together is to make it easier for staff to...
  10. iSean

    Review my site please

    Your forum looks nice but I have a few suggestions for you ;) Most of the elements are a bit squashed together and could do with some padding ie) the navigation / header bar needs some bottom padding equal to the top and the main forum nodes could do with being spread out a little bit. The...
  11. iSean

    Prime Account Upgrade - Confusion :S

    I upgrade my account to Prime ( a while ago and got all the extra perks but I think their might be some little bugs here and there. When I go to the email portal or switch to cPanel x3 it shows me in the Cpanel title my that it's Prime Account...
  12. iSean

    Not exceeding my quota

    Have you tried setting it you 'Unlimited Quota' to test if it works?
  13. iSean

    Cloudflare Question

    You could code a custom JS message to load before the page loads, but as for official cloudflare message I think that only appears when your site has had a DDoS attack and is working to protect it.
  14. iSean

    Download a backup of the site?

    When in File Manager Click on 'public_html' to go to the root directory of your website(s), Hold CTRL + Click on the folders you want in the backup, Click on 'compress' at the top right hand side, Choose format and name for your backup and click 'Compress File(s)', An archived folder...
  15. iSean

    Unable to connect to MySQL server

    I am the same, I am getting SQL errors on my page saying cannot connect to mysql server through socket.
  16. iSean

    Trying to stop people spamming my guestbook >.< Any suggestions?

    You could add a security Captcha to the form, to stop robots spamming your chat, and if it's normal people spamming maybe impliment an IP limiter, to allow say only 2 posts per IP in a certain amount of time.
  17. iSean

    Prime Account - Forum Status?

    Ah thankyou. I have now linked my accounts correctly. Do I get a "Prime Account" title on my forum account now? :)
  18. iSean

    "2B || !2B" ~ That is the question.

    "2B || !2B" ~ That is the question.
  19. iSean

    Prime Account - Forum Status?

    I bought Prime Account upgrade a while ago and I noticed that their is a forum user title "Prime Account" which I have not got even though I am a prime member. Also I have been a member for almost a year now and under my user profile picture it says New Member, how long does it take to become a...
  20. iSean


    I have had problems with SQL Query syntax with recent updates to PHP etc. It always worked when I added `` around the name of things like so: $code = mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = 'username'"); Also, all you are doing is echo'ing that query, not actually processing the...