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  1. halohub2

    www. / no www

    none are working and goes to 404 not found ???
  2. halohub2

    www. / no www

    When i go to my board without www. everything is fine but when i go to it as With www its says the file is not found Account id SNP4797005692 Edit: and the webpage is all white
  3. halohub2


    i keep getting this every 10-15 page loads Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an...
  4. halohub2


    my site is not loading at all anymore i had been getting this alot throughout the week and i keep getting service unavalible and this webpage is at null so can you look into this my url is
  5. halohub2


  6. halohub2


    my account does no have the upgrade feature enabled i want to use it ID SNP4797005692
  7. halohub2

    Web mail

    how can i configure mail commander pro to my account i have filled in the info for it but its not working ???? my id id SNP4797005692 my domain is
  8. halohub2


    no using wildcard does work i just used it
  9. halohub2


    is there a way that i can redirect EVERY entered in domain thing to .com i know you can add it for say to redirect to but what if someone enter it will not redirect or portal.php im not going to go through every single...
  10. halohub2

    errmmm domain = messup

    okay thanks
  11. halohub2

    errmmm domain = messup

    errmmm i have a MybB forum on x10hosting and when i had a domain it looked fine now it looks all white look for youre self
  12. halohub2

    Name Servers

    no i mean how long will it take for the name servers to update
  13. halohub2

    Name Servers

    I have just bought a .com domain How long should i wait before updating info in account manager i have updated the name severs to the correct one. so yea
  14. halohub2


    Okay I am hosting a forum on x10hosting and one of my members posted in an non English language is that okay or should I remove it Ps My sites language is English
  15. halohub2


    okay thank you, and you are so polite thx :-)
  16. halohub2


    At onetime this came up on my forum MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue. SQL Error: 2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query Query: SELECT * FROM mybb_adminsessions WHERE sid='a635493dccd491fe8f2b83a6b42748e9' Please contact the MyBB Group for support.
  17. halohub2


    Now the title explains it my account SNP4797005692 Is going slower than ever EX My cpannel is only loading about 2 boxes instead of all of them and i cant connect to FTP because it times out
  18. halohub2


    This might just be something with the servers but my site seems to be going really slow it at one time took me 5 minutes to load a page and the page timed out so it took even longer I am sorry if this has been sorted out Oh also i keep getting 503 server not found error. Okay also sorry...
  19. halohub2

    Server not found

    it's working now thx if u did anything if not sorry for the non needed post
  20. halohub2

    Server not found