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  1. M

    GDPR European Law and access logs

    I need a moderator's answer to this question, at least to avoid access logs, my blog has been stopped for weeks
  2. M

    GDPR European Law and access logs

    Hi, I would like to know if being from the European Union (GDPR) I “could” use this hosting without problems. I use Cloudflare to avoid that in the “access log” the real addresses of the visitors appear, but the real addresses appear without issue. At the moment my blog is not visible, pending...
  3. M

    GPRS and logs

  4. M

    GPRS and logs

    Hello, I would like to know if being from the European Union (GPRD) "I could" use this hosting without problems, I also have Cloudflare activated (so that the IP of the visitors does not appear) but they original IPs appear correctly in access logs. At the moment my blog is not visible, waiting...