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  1. Zdroyd

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I happen to be the only person seeding a file to you on Utorrent, and I deside to stop seeding the file. This causes you to leave the hill in order to find another torrent for the same download... The_hill_is_mine_[torrent]
  2. Zdroyd

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I banned you because (Tell me if I'm wrong.) the Trooper in you avitar looks like he got shot, or hes having a bj.... LOL
  3. Zdroyd

    Zdroyd's "A Sign Of Weakness" Theory

    ^ I think he was joking... And Tittat, I meant in the business and politics areas, So if I say: "Go F@#$ Your Self" that does not mean I think you are a better Game Designer than me... But yes, very funny joke... Another Example I found was: > The USA insults other countries and...
  4. Zdroyd

    Zdroyd's "A Sign Of Weakness" Theory

    Zdroyd's "A Sign Of Weakness" Theory: I have noticed this lately: When a company/person/group feels like they are falling behind the compatition they insult their enemies. Examples: > Hillary Clinton insults Obama. (She is losing in the race.) > Macs insult PCs. (More PCs are sold.) >...
  5. Zdroyd

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Bill is a really great man! He created a revolution! And unlike Jobs, he does not insult his competition.
  6. Zdroyd

    what is your favourite shooter game ?

    Re: what is your shooter game ? I used to paly WarRock, but it was bugging up for my friends so I stoped playing it... But it the best free game to ever exist! Its practicaly a Free Battlefield!
  7. Zdroyd

    Sohail's Web2.0 Design Shop

    I really love your site, but... I really dont like having others assist me, it makes me look unskilled in my own (future) trade. (Not to be mean) So I am going to try to make my site on my own... But I would like it if you showed me how you did some of the things on your site, like: >...
  8. Zdroyd

    What scares you the most?

    Most of those things would never happen, because they are Fiction. But I will say that the only thing that scares me is ignorant people. Not stupid people, but people that do stupid things that could harm someone.
  9. Zdroyd

    x10 Radio On PSPs?

    I have a PSP but sadly there is no WIFI Hotspot close to my house. But I still think its a good idea! (Well there is a McDonalds by my house, but they suck!) As for homebrewing the PSP; as a Game Developer, I desipse all hacking.
  10. Zdroyd

    Forum Game <Story>

    Once upon a time there was a piece of paper. There was also a blue pencil sitting beside it. Unfortunately, the blue pencil had not been used for a long time so the tip had mutated into a ballpoint pen tip. This made the person who decided to use it
  11. Zdroyd

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban KKenny for having too many small text lines in his sig.... And for having a Avitar that trys to be funny but is not.
  12. Zdroyd

    Forum Game <Wish>

    You kill your boss in anger and get fired, but after that a techi fixes it! I wish the PSP had a FREE .pbp IDE kit. (In words anit-nerds can understand: "I wish there was a FREE development tool for the PSP.")
  13. Zdroyd

    Forum Game <Film>

    "No way out"
  14. Zdroyd

    no more windows xp?

    All the "Vista Sucks" comments that we here, EVERY DAY are highly over exagerated. Vista is not as bad as everyone says, the only reason it has problems is because it is a new system. And every newb sucks at first! The only way to turn a newb into a skilled "player" is to help him/her...
  15. Zdroyd

    Suggestion to Admins (About Forum Games and Mass Posts)

    Terribly sorry, I did not know you had to apply to be a Mod...
  16. Zdroyd

    Flash Web Page Strech to Screen Size?

    Hmm I'll try that... Or I will contact sohailamir52 and ask if I can have a template. Edit: Never mind I figured it out myself in my Web Page class, I used: <embed src="home_kr.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" height="100%" name="home_kr" align="middle"...
  17. Zdroyd

    Get £3 per banner on your site, upto 5 per Website

    How much is £3? But I think it sounds cool.
  18. Zdroyd

    Suggestion to Admins (About Forum Games and Mass Posts)

    Wow this got popular fast! Also, if this sub-forum is created, could I be a Mod for it? Please! Edit: God (Chris73) has a point, if you did not make credits from it noone would care if people spammed, as long as there are not...
  19. Zdroyd

    Flash Web Page Strech to Screen Size? How does the site above ^ do it? I know how to do it with HTML tables, but how do you do it with Flash? PS: I would ask the creator of the site, but I forgot his name on the x10 Forums... LOL
  20. Zdroyd

    Suggestion to Admins (About Forum Games and Mass Posts)

    Suggestion to Admins (About Forum Games and Mass Posts) Seeing that many people are following my introduction of forum games to the x10Forums I suggest that you make a sub-forum in the Off Topic for Mass Post Threads and Forum Games. Please consider this because I believe that it will help...