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  1. iitx1012 registration

    @littlepeople61: I don't have a add domain left to register but I have just tried that wilth another host that offer CPanel. bdistler is right, I had to add domain to that host as addon domain and then I continued with the registration and has become successful.
  2. iitx1012 registration

    Please see here. You can only get free subdomains of
  3. iitx1012

    Premium Upgrade Questions

    Hi, 1. For premium upgrade from Free, I saw that free domain name is included. Is the domain name registered throughout the hosting period (say 3 years) and renewal? 2. Can I register any of the .com/.net/.org/.info/.biz/.us/.eu free of cost? 3. Can I use the dedicated IP address on all the...
  4. iitx1012

    Need help with Payments with PayPal

    Re: Please Review My Site I request renaming this thread please. "Please Review My Site"
  5. iitx1012

    Want to Upgrade to Illuminated: Any other options than PayPal?

    Thank you. I can understand that. :) I made this account when I was in US. I think I will be able to upgrade if any of my friends in US pays that amount from their account? I have not violated any terms of x10hosting. :)
  6. iitx1012

    Need help with Payments with PayPal

    Please Review My Site Please review my Deals Website Let me first make some points regarding my goals 1. I want to make it user friendly with easy navigation. 2. I am not so techie and so I have used Wordpress with no plans to switch to other CMS. 3. I want to...
  7. iitx1012

    Want to Upgrade to Illuminated: Any other options than PayPal?

    Hi, I want to upgrade my Free Account to Illuminated but from India I cannot use PayPal. Is there any other possible way to accept payment from Indian users for upgrading to Illuminated service?