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  1. J

    Issues on

    FYI - same on x12 around the same time frame (between 5pm & 7pm PT). I thought it'd be up by now, but still down.
  2. J TLS cert has expired

    I take it back: it looks like the cert was updated properly for the virtual host setup on port 2222, but it was not updated on the virtual host on the standard https port (443). When trying to use tools like phpMyAdmin (at, I'm still seeing the old cert...
  3. J TLS cert has expired

    FYI - looks like the TLS cert issue was fixed. I can confirm seeing a trusted one good until April 2022 now. I had an issue with the login pass through as well before, and it also looks resolved now. I wouldn't be surprised if the TLS cert was causing the issue...
  4. J TLS cert has expired

    Looks like the TLS cert for was only good for about 3 months and expired today (2/23/2021 - 5/24/2021). The expired cert seems to be causing all sorts of inconsistency for me staying logged in and using the admin tools like phpMyAdmin.
  5. J

    Important An error has occurred forwarding your sign in.

    thanks. i'm already following that thread, but per the support guidelines post you referenced in that thread, i created a new topic anyway.
  6. J

    Important An error has occurred forwarding your sign in.

    I noticed my site wasn't responding over 12 hours ago. I tried logging into my account, and though I was able to successfully login, I got the following error when clicking on the "Open cPanel" button: I tried accessing via FTP, but it refused the...
  7. J

    Server Down

    Same. It's been over 5 hours now. I thought it would resolve itself, but it's still a problem.