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  1. W

    Website Traffic

    I was just wondering, does the website cpanel take a few hours to update the traffic stats?
  2. W

    Feedback Please

    Hi All, i am currently making a gaming forum and was asking for feedback.I also want people to join so Join its a gaming forum;) oh yeah and finally i am looking for mods and admins. hope to see ya around;);)
  3. W

    Feedback :)

    Feedback : If you want to join please do Its all about pcs and games
  4. W

    Feedback please

    What do you think of my site. It a Forum about basically anything computer or videogame related! i havent finished yet ive just started it im going to change the theme and everything.What do you think!
  5. W

    Cant Put X10 ADS On My Site!

    Whenever i add a javascript ad it does not work! Do you have ads in other formats such as html. My website is its not finished yet! Please help as i have to put ads on my website as part of the hosting package. i am using SMF 1.1.3