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  1. R

    Hosting ads in html?

    Hello, Can somebody tell me how to temporarily put hosting ads in html, cause I dont want to get my account suspended, while I'm working on how to get them on my IPB forum? Thanks :)
  2. R

    Ads for IPB...

    Hello, How do you add ads to IPB? I already have many mods installed. I searched the forum but I couldn't find anything. Thanks :)
  3. R

    Help with getting woltlab burning board up & going.

    Can somebody help me with getting woltlab burning board up and going? I already have up uploaded and put into a folder called forum in public_html/forum/. I ran the test.php and it said that everything went well but then I went to install.php but it just went blank. I tested it first before I...
  4. R

    help with getting woltlab burning board up & going

    Can somebody help me with getting woltlab burning board up and going? I already have up uploaded and put into a folder called forum in public_html/forum/. I tested it first before I put my forum online on my computer but I have windows and I know its different than on unix. Thanks :)
  5. R

    Best poetry software?

    I think thats what I wont... Like Blogs or CMS. I'm sort of a novice. I mean, I did homepages/sites for myself like basic and that was a while back. Just any info would help. Thanks :)
  6. R

    Ftp problem, can't connect

    Hello, I'm having this problem: Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 24 of 50...