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  1. ace_case

    Unable to Upgrade

    I am trying to upgrade to prime because the login requirements are kinda annoying. When I click on the upgrade button (leading to here: it just takes me to a blank, white page. Not running an ad blocker, and the chrome console isn't showing any failed requests...
  2. ace_case


    Whoops kinda forgot about posting this haha, thanks for all this info, one more question, would allowing users to upload images for their stories count towards gallery usage? Right now the user can submit their stories, but I want to know if it counts before allowing them to upload cover art for...
  3. ace_case


    I am working on a complete rewrite of my website. I am wondering if it would be better to store user submitted images as base64 in the database, or as actual files in a directory. I'm leaning towards using the base64, but how does this effect the rules on gallerys? Do user images (avatars, cover...
  4. ace_case

    .htaccess error

    Yeah. My other rules are working fine. They work just fine by themselves. When this one is put in, it causes the error.
  5. ace_case

    .htaccess error

    Sorry, I don't actually have that line in there since it is breaking the site. I'm pretty sure it was happening on any page though.
  6. ace_case

    .htaccess error

    I am trying to use RewriteRule (\S+) $1.php [QSA,NC,L] in my .htaccess. says it works, but when I put it in I get a 500 error.
  7. ace_case

    cPanel Error

    I know. I've had issues with this method before and they were fixed. I'm not saying fix it now, but it'd be nice. Logging in through 2082 redirects to the SSO page, but as my domain.
  8. ace_case

    cPanel Error

    I know it's probably not officially supported, but when logging in to cPanel from (which redirects to The layout is kinda messed up. A lot of resources respond with a 401 error in the chrome console. Probably not priority one, but I'd like to see it...
  9. ace_case

    How do I add Permission to the database?

    Ok thanks. So as long as I'm not like explicitly telling mysql what to do it should be fine?
  10. ace_case

    How do I add Permission to the database?

    So a page that just outputs the entire database row (omitting private details) in json format should be fine? Such as
  11. ace_case

    How do I add Permission to the database?

    Restrict in what ways? I'm thinking about making an api so I can have a mobile app.
  12. ace_case

    Adfly code injected

    I think he is using ftp for his files. Even then, the submission verification should ignore any extra data unless coded to allow it.
  13. ace_case

    How do I add Permission to the database?

    I was referring to using an external database on free hosting.
  14. ace_case

    How do I add Permission to the database?

    I'm pretty sure I've tried this at one point, and I don't think it does.
  15. ace_case

    404 instead of MySQL error

    Kind of off topic here, but mod_security shouldn't be throwing a 404 IMO. A 404 is for not found. Perhaps a 500? Throw anyone a 404, and they wonder where the file went. Give them a 500 and they know something isn't right.
  16. ace_case

    Adfly code injected

    From what I've gathered, those lines are actually in the file, not injected onto the page after it's loaded. It's pretty unlikely it's a browser extension. A virus could do this, but it's probably a plugin. Or just weirdness. Weirdness is always an option.
  17. ace_case

    Adfly code injected

    It is possible for it to be an outdated plugin of some sort allowing an attacker to write to files, or a trojan horse plugin that writes it to the files, though honestly I think it'd be easier if it changed it after the page loads via JS or something. It'd make it more undetectable.
  18. ace_case

    Forbidden words in POST submits

    Is this a custom script, or something you found somewhere? If it's the latter, it may have a built in spam protection filter.
  19. ace_case

    Adfly code injected

    This seems kinda like a virus. Do links in pages you download get changed or does this make all links on the page adfly links? It could be a virus that injects someone elses adfly code into your website. Website Hijacking instead of Browser Hijacking maybe?
  20. ace_case

    Error 522 CloudFlare

    When going to I get a 522 error. If I go through, it works fine. Is there something on your end messing with cloudflare?