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  1. russjr08

    addon domain problems

    Yes, thank you for adding the addon domain name, but I am still getting that Dumb Default Web Page error
  2. russjr08

    addon domain problems

    I get the following error Error from park wrapper: is already configured.
  3. russjr08

    addon domain problems

    I am still having addon domain problems, and my other thread was closed, I couldn't find the reopen (Administrative text) at the top of my post. I had replied to the other one I made, but no one saw it. The directory of my addon domain is the directory is still there, but cPanel...
  4. russjr08

    addon domain problems

    The directory should just be called ""
  5. russjr08

    addon domain problems

    Hi, I have a problem with my website. I seem to be having a problem with my addon domain. My account was transfered to Starka after the move, and my addon domain is not working. It is not listed in cPanel. When I try to re add it, I get the following error Error from park wrapper...
  6. russjr08

    Is my account still being transfered?

    Yes, I can currently access my cPanel at Starka Thanks for replying quickly:smile:
  7. russjr08

    Is my account still being transfered?

    When ever I try to access my site at I get the default Web Site Page that says why the page might not be accessible. I see my account has been moved to Starka and I would like to know if my account is still in process of moving or.... It has been at this page I think for...
  8. russjr08

    creating a temp directory

    Ok, so I have a support ticket open about my site files going missing, I understand it can take a while for them to respond (I think its been about two days, but its a free service, so I'm not going to complain). I don't want to interfere with them moving my files back. My proposal is to create...
  9. russjr08

    Site Files Gone?

    My site files seem to be gone from the migration, any way they just haven't moved? Or am I just out of luck?
  10. russjr08

    Is there something wrong?

    Ok, it seems my account was moved to fris. One problem though... The files didn't seem to transfer over. Are they still in the process of moving or... they were lost. I'm thinking they are still moving because in cPanel some of the images are not loading (meaning they're not there.) I'm just...
  11. russjr08

    My web is unavailable :(

    Your account is in process of migration, mine is too. Your probably on the absolut server, which is in process of migrating to a new server. Here is how you can tell which server you are on. your cpanel URL should look like this. mine looks like...
  12. russjr08

    My unsuspended site isnt works

    Two of the servers are in process of moving if your site cPanel is on: or your account is probably in migration for the most part the best place to stay updated is Edit: I think that suspended message...
  13. russjr08

    My account is down?

    I think your account just might be in the migration process, is the URL to your cPanel: or if so, they are moving those servers, don't worry, they are working on getting everything up. You might want to check out...
  14. russjr08

    Can someone tell me what server I am on?

    Well I usually use but, it seems to not want to login in. On my Account Management Site I see this Absolut Migration We’re moving Absolut to the new hardware, one account at a time. This is what will happen: 1.) Your account is packaged up. 2.) Your...
  15. russjr08

    Can someone tell me what server I am on?

    Ok, so I thought my account was on absolut but I cannot access my website, or the cpanel. Everyone else seems to be having problems with Fris. Can someone point me to the right direction.
  16. russjr08

    can't login to absolut, can't login to fris

    I hope what I bolded isn't your password. If it is, you should immediately change it, and edit your post and put stars or asterisks, you don't know who could have access to your account if that is your password. And plus you could ended up having a changed password Just a fair warning, I...
  17. russjr08

    can't login to absolut, can't login to fris

    I really hope they can get this up soon though, otherwise... I don't want to say it :frown:
  18. russjr08

    can't login to absolut, can't login to fris

    I am having problems too, I believe it is because of the server moving they are in process of doing.
  19. russjr08

    Unofficial x10hosting wallpaper

    Man I wish I had the software and skills to be able to do that. Awesome wallpaper!! :) I wish I could give you some more rep.
  20. russjr08

    Just another web template

    That's a really great template. It's a great template with some great potential :)