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  1. filekhasper

    I cannot log in my cpanel. Server keeps timing out.

    I cannot login to my cpanel. It keeps timing out. When I created this account I was having issues installing scripts such as "Open Cart". I created this free account in hopes that I could create a website than upgrade to the pay version. If this doesn't get fixed, I wont be upgrading.
  2. filekhasper

    Help with Constant Boredom

    Constant Boredom? That means your boring... When I bored i usually play video games because I never really get the time to play them. I started messing with C++ again. I do graphic design all the time because I used to be bored. Pick up a guitar and play it. Nothing comes quickly. Take baby...
  3. filekhasper

    This is my first syt care 2 tell me what and how should be done

    Much better, your blog link is still in a tiny window. What system are you using to arrange the site?
  4. filekhasper

    New to this but tell me what you think!

    I'd say its bland and a good start. I would suggest putting the links under your main banner at the top. Also, get a better banner design. If you need someone to spice up the top banner, let me know, I'll see what I can do for ya. Looks like you used MSpaint...
  5. filekhasper

    Capture The Flag (a game in open beta)

    Your website is quite simple. Almost too simple for a gaming site. What I purpose is to add some more images of the game. I am curious about your creation, but I have no desire to try it. I think if you were to add maybe a screen shot section or a high scores section you might get more frequent...
  6. filekhasper

    This is my first syt care 2 tell me what and how should be done

    SOme of the links at the top of your page don't work. Also, the text on your news page is cut off on the right side. The layout is nice. I don't like the frame you put on the right side for your blog. Try putting in a link to your blog or a plugin that would supply your most recent post. I think...
  7. filekhasper

    Welcome to my site

    The site is Vietnamese and is software reviews. I don't speak it, I used a translator. I personally don't like the jumbled adds on to the right of the site... Too busy... This is my opinion...:lockd:
  8. filekhasper

    Check out my site ^_^!

    It's definitely a good start.
  9. filekhasper

    Hello, a small uploading issue here :(

    I am not sure. Check the folders and urls. Make sure whats show up on your computer is the same as the folder and Hierarchy that is on your web drive. That's the first step...:dunno: